Thursday, October 16, 2008

Levin's Program program caller

Today's Knockout

 Last night Mark Levin took a call from a guy in New York relating his son's distress over the scarcity of Black faces at the GOP convention. 
ER  If you're using IE Explorer, Click Here for audio clip


Anonymous said...

I think you need to fix the playback speed. They sound like Alvin and the Chipmunks.

Juice said...

Fine here, boss.

Anonymous said...

Levin comes on here in Golden at 7pm and I should be talk radioed out by then but his show is so excellent. He doesn't take any crap from idiot dems and he is smart as a whip.

He spend the whole show 2 nights ago showing how Obama is using Saul Alinsky's "Rules For Radicals" in his quest for power. Freaking scary as hell. Remember Obama saying to a group in SanFran how we "cling" to our guns and religion? Levin pulled, almost word for word, the exact same quote from that book.

I've always said that the teacher's unions' plans to idiotize our children was part of the liberal's agenda. After hearing that show, it all came together how these radicals have undermined our country by eschewing blowing up buildings and integrating themselves into important parts of our society. Such as academia and the media.

It's sad to admit their plan is working. They use the high schools to turn out morons that have absolutely no economic literacy and not a whit of understanding of American Exceptonalism. Our culture is a sewer and these idiotic notions are reenforced 24/7 in the left dominated MSM and cemented into so many in college.

It's the only possible explanation for Obama. He lies about fundamental economic concepts and by playing the race card, he is not only not laughed into oblivion but is praised!

You want change in this country? Real change? The answer is vouchers. That's why the liberals will fight to the death, as hard as they fight for abortion, to keep that choice away from parents.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Problem only on IE, which is so F-up for my purposes that what works one day, won't the next.

Anonymous said...

What MM said.

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