Sunday, November 02, 2008

The effete commie snob

Sway: Our next question is from Matt from Iowa: "If your desire is to spread the wealth around, what incentive is there for me to try to work hard? If I am only going to get more taken away from me, the more money I make, why wouldn't I just slide into a life of relaxation and let rich people take care of me? And a lot of people are asking similar questions, and I wanted you to specify. What does this mean exactly?"

Obama: What is amazing to me is this whole notion that somehow everybody is just looking out for themselves. I mean, the fact is, we just talked about student loans. When young people who have the drive and the skill to go to college can't afford to go to college, how do you think we pay for scholarships or loan programs? That money doesn't grow on trees. It's got to come from somewhere, and the attitude that I have is that, if we want to grow our economy, the way it grows is from the bottom up. You don't just give tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires. Obama answers your questions on MTV
Yes, Comrade, amazing, and oh-so quaint, the notion of self reliance. personal responsibility, and freedom.


Anonymous said...

Apropos of almost nothing, the predictions for Tuesday are near perfect weather in southern Michigan and all of Ohio. Rain in Denver, Philly, and Richmond.

Anonymous said...

There's sure to be mucho dinero to be made on the black market. Oh yes, we'll have a thriving one.


Anonymous said...

The Marxist answer to your question is "the butt followed by the muzzle of an AK."
—Comrade DougM

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