Sunday, November 23, 2008

Re: Famous Kenyan O'Bamaugh

The Essence of That Call to Kenya
Obama's home town.
I'm a little behind with this Mike in the Morning call to Ambassador Peter Ogengo (Ogego), where he acknowledges Obama's Kenyan birth as a well know local fact.  This version does distill the original 16 minutes, or so, down to its 4 minute essence.  And, of course,  graphics have been added for your additional entertainment.  Sooner or later the  "birth deniers" will rupture themselves trying to explain away the 500 mysteries of how, and where Obama entered this world.


Anonymous said...

Nuh-uh. Those blue-eyed-devils used tricknology and devilishment to get His Excellency to say that . . . .

WV: bitterox

Anonymous said...

This issue is like beating a dead horse. I'm afraid he is da man it will go away like pixie dust. When you control everything you control justice. The following is a little long I lifted it from THE FREE STATE OF PIG a great web site if you have never been there I recommend it highly . It may help Roger and others like me feeling down after the robbery.... election; realize what must be done, What we must do, Pull up our boots and let everyone know every time they mess up.

Is the Free State of PIG ready to write the obituary for our inalienable individual liberty? Are we prepared to shovel Obamunist dirt on the USA's coffin? Hardly, but pretending that nothing has changed is asinine. The Free State of PIG is, for good or ill, mired in objective reality.

The USSA is here and must run its course. Given time, it, too, will jump the shark and fade from the scene. What then? What indeed.

There's a fatal flaw in the jumping the shark concept, one that nobody wants to discuss. In the entertainment industry, the single peak - up one side and down the other - model is valid. Show business is loath to give anyone a second chance.

Life, on the other hand, is not a single peak. Instead, it's a series of peaks, separated by deep valleys. What goes up, does come down. However, what goes up, then comes down, has a tendency to come up again. It's true in our financial markets and it's true in the political arena, as demonstrated by the 'return', 'rebirth', of socialism.

Our assigned task is to hasten that magic moment when Obamunism and his USSA jump the shark. How? You start with Ayn Rand's legendary 'A is A'. You start by speaking the truth, and refusing to let the Obamunists redefine objective reality to suit their own purposes.

The future has not been written. The USSA is not etched in stone. 'Happy Days' may be dead and buried, for all time, but our inalienable individual liberty still exists. It's our task to restore it to its rightful place, safely out of the reach of the Obamunists and their neo-Marxist USSA

Anonymous said...

You know, when I would read books or see movies like "the man in the iron mask" I would always think how absurd the storyline was that there could actually be a usurper on the throne.

From what I've seen, there are three possible problems for obama

1. Was he really born in the US? We still have not seen evidence that there is a valid birth certificate. We have heard "trust us, we're from the government and we say it exists'

2. There is an issue about his traveling to Pakistan when there was travel restrictions. Supposedly he would not be able to do that on a US passport. Did he travel on his US passport or did he use a Kenyan, Indonesian or UK passport. Can someone with dual citizenship serve as potus?

3. There is also supposed to be a problem due to his time in indonesia. APparently there was supposed to be a process to fully restore his US citizenship which may never have happened.

So, if any of the three problems actually exist he would be ineligible as potus. Some people say we could never hold him to that because of the threat of violence. That didn't stop them from booting a republican president did it?

There is supposed to be something going on Dec 5 with Clarence Thomas. I can't keep track of the lawsuits but I'll watch the news that day. C'Mon Clarence.. Save the US.. Let's get this reviewed by an impartial panel to make sure he is eligible.


Anonymous said...

Wake up guys the election over. America got what it wanted. It's first black president, a socialist goverment giving its money to the minorities so they will feel good about themselves. When "The one" starts cutting the military budget because of his spreading the wealth plan is putting the country futher into depression because no investor in his right mind is going to invest money in the market and have "The one " take it away and give it to some crack head whore. Then we get hit hard again by the "rag heads" (oh I'm sorry I hope I didn't hurt anyone feelings if I did piss on your koran) my guess is about winter 2010 feb are march. This house of cards will come tumbling down but this birth place thing will be buried deep in Sandy Berger pants until something big brings down them down.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Granted, this is a comedy, as presented here, but it's not a question about the election being over. It's a question of whether the Rule of Law is as well.

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