Monday, November 03, 2008

TIPP & Nadler

IBD/TIPP: Race Tightens, McCain Surges

November 2, 2008 by texasdarlin

A Statistical Tie.

The most reliable pollster from the 2004 Presidential Election reports:

McCain takes a 14-point lead with men!

McCain takes a 16-point lead among rural voters!

McCain takes the lead in the Age 25-44 Category!

The race tightened again Sunday as independents who’d been leaning to Obama shifted to McCain to leave that key group a toss-up. McCain also pulled even in the Midwest, moved back into the lead with men, padded his gains among Protestants and Catholics, and is favored for the first time by high school graduates.

Check out this Gerald Nadler video too.  "Obama didn't have the political courage to make a statement and walk out." [of Reverend Wright's racist church] 


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately it's electoral college and not total votes. Electorally, McCain might be boned. Voting tomorrow for the first time anyway.

Webrider said...

Congratulations on casting your first vote Josh. Never, ever, lose the will to do that. IMHO, it is every citizen's responsibility to assess the issues and candidates and then vote.

Do not let the polls dissuade you either, they are just oversampling Demorats to help the "one", and the tightening you see now, is their lame attempt to provide themselves some cover when McCain wins it.

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