Thursday, January 08, 2009

Mitch Hedberg Vein

Comedy Gold
Mitch Hedberg
Mitch Hedberg
I discovered Mitch Hedberg a few months after he evidently killed himself.  He is Steve Wright on uppers, literally, as it turns out. Anyway, finding his stuff is pretty hard, so this is like finding a gold mine.  If you're not familiar with Mitch, stick with him for 4-5 clips.  I consider him a comic genius. NSFW - language.  BTW, this site is a real treasure, the only place I've been able to find Margaret Smith, another comedian I very much enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Mitch came through Denver several months before he died and natch I went to see him. About 10 minutes into the beginnings of a rip roaring set, some asshat threw a glass at him. He said fuck this, and split. Always someone has got to piss in the punch bowl. I heard it was heroin, too bad. One of my favorite B actors, Robert Pastorelli, was found in a bath room with GD needle in his arm-only 49-evil shit that stuff.

Being some what of a stand up connoisseur, the funniest, hands down show I've ever seen was Kevin Pollack. His impersonations of Walken and Shatner are side splitting. He tells a story of when he called a bunch of people in Walken's voice and was leaving disturbing messages on their answering machines. And then Walken calls him, OMG you will laugh past hurting.

Another story was on the set of A Few Good Men when his mother visited during the filming this dramatic courtroom scene with Nicholson-my drink came out of my nose. If he ever comes through your town, catch him. I've seen him 3 times.

BlogDog said...

Maria Bamford is coming to the DC area around the end of January. She's very funny. I don't usually go to comedy shows (being so NATCH-rilly funny my own self 'n' all) but I'm going to see her at the Arlington Cinema & Drafthouse.

Anonymous said...

Comedy Sapphire: Roger's C&S is SondraK mixed with Jeremiah Weed.

oy vey ole'

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