Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Blow Me

Self Entitlement In a Tu Tu

Psycho gaywad activists took pro Proposition 8 contributions data, and are publishing  a mash-up of Google Maps and Prop 8 Donors. 

For what purpose?   Andrew Sullivan, a professional Gay, says:

The second anyone does anything inappropriate with this information Dreher has a right to complain. Until then, it's public information. And Prop 8 donors and anti-Prop 8 donors knew that before they donated.

Andy didn't contribute to either side, (unless his real job is  Product Manager for MCAFEE INC.) so we can't show you how to find him, alas.


Anonymous said...

See, there are some good people in Kaleefornya, just not enough.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Casca, many of my best pals, and smartest minds here hale from CA, so I know that. However. It sometimes becomes necessary to throw the baby out with the bath water, like when it's causing cholera. You have to learn to be selfless, like SondraK, who begs me to Nuke her house because it's at the epicenter of the Seattle-Olympia terror complex. That's patriotism.

Anonymous said...

If someone gets hurt or harassed, that fuck should be put in prison.

A girl prison. He'd like the showers in the other one.

Anonymous said...

Actually, this is perfect. They are driving all of the contributions underground. Next time, all donations will be $99. Anyone can make all the non-reportable donations they want. Over and over, heh.

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