Friday, February 20, 2009


Schitzstaffel Division

... taxing how much we drive may replace gasoline tax ...

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood says he wants to consider taxing motorists based on how many miles they drive rather than how much gasoline they burn — an idea that has angered drivers in some states where it has been proposed.

Gasoline taxes that for nearly half a century have paid for the federal share of highway and bridge construction can no longer be counted on to raise enough money to keep the nation's transportation system moving, LaHood said in an interview with The Associated Press.

"We should look at the vehicular miles program where people are actually clocked on the number of miles that they traveled," the former Illinois Republican lawmaker said. [blah-blah-blah]
Hmmm.  Since fuel pump taxes are a defacto monitor of a vehicle's driven miles, the sneaky bastids are up to something.   Ah, I know!

With more energy efficient cars being built, not to mention "Green" cars that substitute coal produced electric for gasoline, state gas tax revenues are poised to plummet.  Under LaHood's (Latin for "the gangster") plan, generated by Diktat Central of course, even if your car runs on pedal power, you'll pay the "fuel tax."

It'll be interesting to see what privacy busting device the swine introduce to get around odometer "tuning."  Maybe employ Obama's civilian Schitzstaffel to read the meters on a daily basis?  No, wait, your car prolly already has a chip that records how far you've driven, when, and your speed.  Supposedly meant for car diagnostics, that. Whatever, you can be sure that your thoughts on the matter will turn very, very black, indeed.  Stopping you from acting on those impulses is the real job of the Schitzstaffel, of course.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure it's not great for the environment, but I like to drive just to drive. This would suck, an awful large amount.

Do they say what they'd do with motorcycles? I pay as much riding my motorcycle that get's 60 miles to the gallon and doesn't emit nearly as much pollution, as a car? This shit is loony. I mean seriously, nuthouse and padded walls crazy.

I wasn't around for it, but I've been told there were times when this shit would have had him rounded up and put in slippers and a straight jacket. Why is this shit socially acceptable now? Why aren't people laughing him out of government?

Anonymous said...

Josh, you can thank the softening up artillery the teacher's unions have been lobbing into our midst for the past 50 years.

Anonymous said...

This would be interesting if they actually got rid of the gas tax to implement this. I don't buy it for a minute, but it would give us a situation in which a Hummer would pay the same operational vehicle taxes as a Mini. (The Hummer already pays a gas guzzler tax - from $1,000 to $7,700 - which is included in the sticker price, but not listed on the sticker.)

This would become just one more easily manipulated stealth tax which the 'crats have been perfecting since "withholding" from wages.

God help us.

Thomas M.

Anonymous said...

Who among us actually believes they will "replace" the gas tax? Far more likely, given past experience, to add the Miles driven tax to the existing tax structure, leaving us paying all the new "user fees", "green levies", and whatever euphemisms they decide on.

Mangas Colorados

Anonymous said...

New York's Governor Paterson said, "This looks like a good idea, from where I'm sitting. Wherever that is."

curmudgeon said...

You don't actually think those GPS satellites were all put up there to just give directions, do you?

Scottiebill said...

The brain-dead governor of Oregon, Teddy the Useless Kulongoski, has bee touting this silliness since last summer. The talk-show host in Portland are having a field day with it. But, what is worse, the Portland City Council, led by the openly gay mayor, Sam Adams, is going along with it.

Anonymous said...

"Gasoline taxes that for nearly half a century have paid for the federal share of highway and bridge construction can no longer be counted on to raise enough money to keep the nation's transportation system moving" That is because the various legislatures involved take that money and spend it on everything except road construction and maintenance.

The way it works is that when the roads start falling apart they get a campaign going saying that the gas tax needs to be raised so the roads can be fixed and ram the new tax through. Then they spend a few years fixing the roads in a manner that will cause maximum inconvenience to the maximum number of people. That way no one complains when they stop doing it and quietly re-appropriate the new revenues. Then in five years or so, when the roads are falling apart...

TheAxe said...

Glen Burnie?

Anonymous said...

Stop funding public transportation with fuel taxes. Let the users pay the full cost.


Anonymous said...

I hate to say it but as someone who actually does analysis for a state DOT this is the ideal way to pay for the system. Essentially a toll on all roads and only those using the system pay.

I hate it from a personal freedom point of view. Perhaps a prepay like with a lease would work better.

Anonymous said...

No, a better way to pay for the state DOT would be to cut social spending for the chronically unemployed, stop paying for people to have kids they can't afford, and stop having idiotic runaway spending.

Maybe hand over care for roads over to private industry and carefully regulate. They can do a hell of a lot more efficient work than any state government.

Anonymous said...

Jeez, Josh, you're such a radical. Don't worry though, some college professors will get your mind right. (:>D
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

I'm going to find a mens 'Anti SOCIAList' shirt and wear it. I'll set a record for how quick I get flunked out of school.

Anonymous said...


Can't really disagree with you...

State DOT Guy

Anonymous said...

Since it would be GPS based and linked to a government database, divorce lawyers would be able to use the info. Better yet, the gov would be able to give you helpful advice like "did you know that area you were in is known for drugs, prostitutes, and gambling?". Other helpful advice might include matching your route to others so you can carpool. Or perhaps charging you more tax if a busroute would meet your driving needs to encourage you to use mass transit like the rest of the masses. The possibilities are endless.

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