Friday, February 06, 2009

Gun Owners Inc.

Talk is Cheap
this is what counts

My sense is that this could develop into a broad demonstration, not just for the Second Amendment, but the Constitution itself, which is to say, an anti-Commy Obammy Gang statement in force. Has the makings to be  the biggest demonstration in D.C.'s histoi!  Info HERE.
Here's the opening to a comment posted by RAK that is spot on ... you can read it in it's entirety here.
   “        RE Proposed Armed Citizen demonstration:During a recent discussion regarding the Million Man March idee...questions and objections of various sorts were voiced: "they'll know who we are, etc." Sooooooo...,


The answer is' yes' to those regards to the possibilities of ADVERSE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY ATTENTION TO EACH OF US PARTICIPATING in such an activity. Politics is like that, anymore.

It's going to take a cross between Gandhi, King, the Tea party and the organizational skills of those twittering 'puter nerds in coffeehouses, who face-booked our butts to the political dumper.

Someone once responded to me on this subject at a blog worth reading

saying indignantly that THEY weren't going to "risk going to jail or drawing attention to themselves."

HUNH!!!! Sure, an ya can stay home, fondling that 1500$ home defense weapon, swearing to go out in a blaze of glory -- enjoying y'r fantasy while OTHER folks get a nightstick to the head, Or instead, as is much more likely, folks cough up gun money and trudge to Wash for a disciplined, well-planned demo. They are assisted in getting there by the largest voluntary co-op effort this country has ever seen.

That's right: CO-OP: Planned and designated route assistance, emergency road help, temporarily being a hostel for strangers whom you will host, and every other means that millions of everyday gun owners can get a REAL million pairs of boots on the ground in the Mall, at O's front door.

And BTW, make it a real Million-plus, too. No question of the numbers for a Network to fudge with.

Can't do it? Don't wanna? Too many problems? It involves personal risk and financial commitment? Well, get those objections out in the open so that solutions can be developed and distributed. But, I no longer have a whole lot of sympathy for a gun owning community that's gonna sit on it's personal stockpile and whine about 'them' coming.

Yeah, the Redcoats ARE coming. And that's not a paranoid fantasy: just take the personal trouble to look into the Auntie orgs, and the end goal is     ”


Anonymous said...

I fear this time has passed. You will merely be making a statement. One they are well aware of, and probably prepared for. It will change nothing.

I think now is the time to begin to band together. Civic organizations that are well entrenched in the communities are key. American Legion, Lions Club, Masons etc. We must openly discuss and organize each community as to the defense of our nation - LOCALLY.

The Washington thing has been done to death. Unless it is going to deliver local leadership and C&C it will be a useless act.

Very good thread Rog. It's time to start down this road. "Who will stand beside me, or will I resist alone"?

Semper Fi

Kim du Toit said...

Yeah, but who's gonna make the puppets? It's not a proper protest march without the puppets.

Anonymous said...

You know that big sculpture of a revolver with its barrel twisted that stands in UN plaza? Anybody got a bulldozer? I'm just sayin'...

Anonymous said...

If you get two million people there to march on washington. The democrats will have a Jewel concert at the white house and 100% of the media coverage will go to the Jewel (or whoever) concert and no attention will be paid to the psycho gun nuts that tried to crash it out of hate.

You will find no solution in Washington

Anonymous said...

Well at least at this protest march you won't have children asking, are you my daddy.

SoylentGreen said...

Oh YEAH!!! Talk may be cheap but my wife and I signed UP and we're ready to go to DC (packin') or wherever they want us to show up.

Anonymous said...

If my local grass roots group (GeorgiaCarry.Org) doesn't do something local, I will be going to DC for the big event.

Anonymous said...

The wife, daughter and myself started saving our pennies last night. We wouldn't miss this for the world. My sister who owns a buss company here in N.E. Indiana say's she recived her first call about it last night as well. This is going to be a hoot.
Cannon Man

TechnoYid said...

The website is requiring a name and password. Is that new?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if it would cause a larger impact if we gun owners marched at each state capitol at the same time instead of all going to DC? 50 well organized demonstrations of 20k+ would make a larger statement than 1m and garner FAR more coverage since each local network couldn't ignore it.

Just a thought...

(and I got the name and password thing at too)

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