Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Our Masterful Poseur President

"The Capitalists have all moved to Beijing...
and the Communists now reside in Washington D.C."
Jim Kramer - CNBC
That Jim Kramer quote was from  last week when he also observed that there are "no Obama Administration Stocks".... while  recommending a huge position on the sidelines (even cash and CD's).

Today's WSJ banners ...

The Obama Economy

As the Dow keeps dropping, the President is running out of people to blame.

The Democrats who now run Washington don't want to hear this, because they benefit from blaming all bad economic news on President Bush. And Mr. Obama has inherited an unusual recession deepened by credit problems, both of which will take time to climb out of. But it's also true that the economy has fallen far enough, and long enough, that much of the excess that led to recession is being worked off. Already 15 months old, the current recession will soon match the average length -- and average job loss -- of the last three postwar downturns. What goes down will come up -- unless destructive policies interfere with the sources of potential recovery.

   But enough of this hilarity ...    GOPachy
Ten Reasons Why Lincoln and Obama are very much alike:

  1.  Lincoln placed his hand on the Bible for his inauguration. Obama used the same Bible.
  2.  Lincoln came from Illinois. Obama comes from Illinois.
  3.  Lincoln served in the Illinois Legislature. Obama served in the Illinois Legislature.
  4.  Lincoln had very little experience before becoming President. Obama had very little experience before becoming President.
  5. . Lincoln rode the train from Philadelphia to Washington for his inauguration. Obama rode the train from Philadelphia to Washington for his inauguration.
  6. . Lincoln was a skinny lawyer. Obama is a skinny lawyer.
  7.  Lincoln was a Republican. Obama is a skinny lawyer.
  8.  Lincoln was highly respected. Obama is a skinny lawyer.
  9.  Lincoln was born in the United States. Obama is a skinny lawyer.
  10.  Lincoln was called Honest Abe. Obama is a skinny lawyer.


Anonymous said...

In a previous life, his name was Ponzi...See the picture

Anonymous said...

Lincoln suspended habiuscorpus, Obama WILL suspend habiuscorpus and call it the "fairness doctrine".

Lincoln spent 28 years in the state legislature and represented the railroads as a lawyer, Obama voted present for 2 years and you don't get to know who he represented.

Lincoln arrested HUNDREDS of newspaper publishers and editors that spoke out against his policies without ever filing charges. Obama will arrest conservative voices in some unforseen manner.

Lincoln used the plight of the black man as a tool to press his agenda to federalize the individual states. Obama uses the "industry" of the black mans plight to Communinze the same states for his power.

Lincoln launched an unnecessary war against the South to remove their power to self govern. Obama Will.

Lincoln cost millions of people their lives and futures.............Get Ready.

Red Dirt Plowboy

Anonymous said...

Sad and hilarious, Rodger. This must be how the people felt under the Soviets back in the day. I remember reading that they were wont to make rueful jokes to keep their sanity.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

Old Soviet Joke, possibly in our near future (and apologies for my poor Russian spelling skills):

A mother gives her son 5 rubles and tells him to go to the corner and buy a Pravda for his father, an Isvetzia for her and a Kosomol Pravda for himself. The boy leaves, and meets his father in the stairway. The father asks what he's doing, and the boy explains. The father hits the boy, takes his money and tells him that the don't need the newspapers, they have a radio. The father leaves to buy vodka, and the boy returns home. He tells his mother what his father said. The mother gives him 3 rubles and tells him to get an Isvetzia for her and a Kosomol Pravda for himself. the boy asks "what about father?" The mother replies "Your father can wipe his ass on the radio."

SFAOV Sgsaur

Anonymous said...

Then the Citadel cadets fired on Fort Sumter and things went downhill from there.

Dayum college students.

closed said...

Red Dirt Plowboy: Don't go there ...

The ACW was all about slavery and slave states. The Mason-Dixon Compromise in the 1840's was about preventing the abolitionists from getting enough free states to pass an amendment banning slavery.

When this compromise was breached by adding new free states out west, the groundwork was laid. Lincoln was elected, and his abolitionist party had enough votes to send an amendment out to the states, two thisrds of which were now free.

The result was inevitable.

"States Rights" was the figleaf the plantation owners used to excuse their crime ... if they had not revolted, an amendment banning slavery would have passed within a year.

Let's put that shoe on the other foot ... if La Raza seizes the SW, and secedes, would a Republican president be justified calling a state of emergency, sending in the army to anihilate these aholes, and gitmoing any leftard reporter that tries to peddle enemy propaganda during this war?

Anonymous said...

Lincoln freed the slaves, and Obama will enslave the free.


Juice said...

Lincoln freed the slaves, and Obama will enslave the free.

Casca~ for a public "informed" by repetitive sound bites, your's should be the top of the list.

Anonymous said...

Gonna have to disagree kbarret: "The Northern onslaught upon slavery was no more than a piece of specious humbug designed to conceal its desire for economic control of the Southern states."
Charles Dickens, 1862 BTW -
Lincoln, the so called great emancipator, only freed those slaves held in Confederate territory, an act intended to create uprisings. Read the fine print, Lincoln could have cared less whether slavery existed or not until it became politically expedient for him to do so. - Vice Sgt Boone

Anonymous said...

Thanks Juicy


Anonymous said...

Hard to tell from this angle but the 'multitasker' IS sucking his thumb.

closed said...

The Republican Party was ALL about abolition.

Lincoln found himself in a war of secession before he could ram through abolition is all. Once the war started, abolition became a side issue.

Maryland was allowed to continue to be a slave state in order to keep it Union. The Emancipation Proclamation was held off on until it was clear they weren't going to come back voluntarily.

Yes, Lincoln was no friend to blacks ... but abolition was the backbone of the Republican Party platform, and did get imposed by them once the South was put down.

Don't buy the Big "L" libertarian propaganda ... it's crap and revisionist. L. Neil Smith is dead wrong on this one.

The South was ALL about slavery ... and the slave-owners got the poor to fight to keep it for them. Look up the Twenty-Slave Rule sometime. Northern-most Alabama was pro-union for exactly this reason.

closed said...

And one last bit ... Dickens, and the rest of Britain were biased. Britain was the South's major trading partner. They were also the one's selling them the most weapons during the conflict.

Dickens was just trying to rationalize supporting a slaveholding society ... you can't justify slaveholding, so you have to desperately find something to figleaf it, like state's rights.

Anonymous said...

Plowboy says:

Lincoln was an abolitionist the same way Reagan was a hippie. How bout dat? You can find similar attributes and draw lines if you really need to grind your ax. But it sho don't make it so.

Lincoln was about preserving the union (that didn't really exist yet in the way he envisioned). In Lincolns own words, he didn't care about the plight of the slaves one way or another, but had no intentions to integrate them into American society.

It is special kind of blindness to history that enables a person to think that a Union Soldier fought to free the slave, or that Johnny Reb ever fought to safeguard slavery. Thats the teachers union talking. The South had been choked out economically by the heavy handed North for 30 years, and THAT was enough to make them fight. You don't get that in your manditory Harriet Tubman lecture.

BTW, Lincoln was really a Whig.

Anonymous said...

heh obama urkel, great!

Anonymous said...

Rodg, I'm thrilled you used my PS of Hussein.Picking his nose.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

XERO - it was unattributed so I tagged it GOPachy -- hope that's okay. Excellent job.

closed said...

All of the Republicans were Ex-Whigs.

Lincoln was primarily interested, in preserving the Union, yes. But his party was originally all about Abolition, and if the rebellion wouldn't have happen, the anti-slavery amendments would have been sent to the states that year.

Once it blew up in his face, it got postponed is all.

Being an abolitionist does not make you a non-racist.

The whole tariff issue was just another weapon aimed at the plantation owners ... the tariff in question was on European manufactured goods, which the south was trading cotton to Europe for.

Your attempt to ignore the slavery issue is simply revisionist. Yes, the official history books ignore a lot of stuff, but in this case they got it right.

The ACW was about slavery ... the pre-civil war violence in Kansas and Missouri was all about whether or not they would be free or slave states, and the balance of votes in congress after.

If it was only about tariffs, the terrorism sponsored in Kansas and Missouri would not have happened.

Kim du Toit said...

I'm still giggling over Rachel Lucas's title for The One:

Obama Christ Superstar

Anonymous said...

Rodg, I have the same motto as you.Use,do, or do whatever you want.Thanks for using it.

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