Sunday, March 15, 2009

Taking Chance

Take a Chance on This
You won't regret it

I have to tell you about this.  A few days ago when I turned on the telly it opened on some HBO channel from the night before.  Even though  it was 30 minutes  into "Taking Chance," starring Kevin Bacon, I was hooked.  Five minutes later I looked up the next full airing, and scheduled it to record.  Still,  I continued to watch. 

MoSup was out doing something, and came home around noon.  Now understand this about MoSup.  She doesn't believe in frittering away prime daylight hours drinking whiskey or watching movies.  Nevertheless, I insisted she sit down and watch the now recorded repeat.  I promised her that she'd have her heart in her throat the entire time, as had I.  Neither of us spoke a word for 90 minutes.  I can make the same promise to you about this true story. I know many of you've seen this, and I'm confident you'll concur.

My best friend has a son serving with the Marines in Iraq, and I wonder whether this is something I should recommend to him.  I don't know, although maybe I just did. I see it as a portrait of the best of America. One final thing.  I've always liked Kevin Bacon, but the role I've always identified  him with was Chip Diller
Kevin Bacon
, in Animal House. No more.  From now on it's Lt. Col. Michael Strobl. He's that good in this film. ;


Anonymous said...

Thank you sir, may I have another.

Juice said...

Rodger, I'm glad you've seen Taking Chance. I'd sent an email reminder to you the night it premiered, but perhaps you didn't have HBO at the time. Mr. Hughes and I, both, had tears streaming down our cheeks for 90 minutes; and although it is saved in DVR, we've not yet approached a second viewing.

For those of us who understand, we base our lives upon it and appreciate its depth. I fear not a single liberal on the face of this Earth has a clue of honor, nor wants to, as it interferes with their acquisition of personal gains and power at all costs.

Kevin Bacon is also fantastic in, Murder in the First, if you haven't seen it, rent it. Also, the lighter hearted, My Dog Skip. Just to mention two. :]

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Juice, We dropped all subscription channels a few years ago, and are now in a "free trial" mode with Verizon. I therefore would have been unable to watch it back then, and, as a matter of fact, would prolly have avoided it anyway, given HBO's penchant for going left political on everything they touch. But on this, you were right. Thanks.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

PS Juice - "Murder in the First" should have won Bacon an Oscar.

Juice said...

Rodger, you got that right about Bacon's Oscar worthy performance in Murder in the First, but heck, it's not called Hollyweird for nothing.

You are also correct regarding HBO's libertard production tendencies, BUT, they did another good one called, Alive Day. If you missed it, you may want to track it down. It is James Gandolfini (Tony Soprano) interviewing various US military members who defeated death in a war zone; hence, their "Alive Day". These military guests are THE focus and Gandolfini is merely a background conduit for their stories. I thought it was a pretty good example of personal strenght and dignity for life among our troops.

Jinglebob said...

I had the great fortune of getting to meet and know Chances father, John who is an artist. So I knew this was coming and waited anxiously for it. Wonderful show.

I had a son in Iraq. We know what it is like to worry.

Also, I am so proud of the people Chance met along the way and the way they treated him with such respect. Mostly, this is still a great country.

Anonymous said...

Taking Chance is wonderful, and wonderfully faithful to what the good Col. wrote.

I would also urge you to go to the theatres right now and see one called "Brothers at War" which opened in limited release this weekend, and is scheduled -- we hope -- for full release in a couple of weeks. I've been covering it at Blackfive, and got to see it this weekend. Not what you would expect from a war flick, it is about five brothers, a family, much more than a war flick. Even the most sensitive souls can safely see it, real violence and gore limited to just a couple of minutes. Well, other than learning about improvised field hygiene. *G It gets it, and plays it straight.

Laughing Wolf

Anonymous said...

Well....If Kevin appeared in an MGM movie and got a major award.....would the headline, in one of those cheap, tawdry, rags in the supermarket be: "Oscar Mayer Bacon?"

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