Thursday, March 05, 2009

The White House Thug


ENEMIES LIST: Dems step up attacks on Limbaugh; Obama team admits input...
The Left went, and still are, nuts over Richard Nixon's supposed "Enemies List," which turned out to be nothing more than a list of people not to be seated next to him at White House functions.  Not so Obama and his forces.  Anyone seen as a threat, e.g. Joe the Plumber, is subject to having  the full force, fury and resources of government used to destroy them  Obama exhibits every trait of Joseph Stalin in this regard. 

Do any of you have doubts about his capacity to follow through with Bill Ayers' plan, and  "guard against a counter-revolution," by  establishing "reeducation centers," and  "eliminate 25,000,000 people " who fail to come around?   FIE.


Anonymous said...

The uninitiated "anointed one" and his nit-wit posse were stupid enough to take the bait and walk out into the street to fight Rushbo's fight. Two things are certian, this ain't Rush's first showdown, and the Mobama camp never read "The Art of War".

Spunky Texan said...

The 0 admin is showing how freaking inexperienced and unqualified they are to be holding the office of the President of United States. This is really an embarrassing display.

Anonymous said...

The Left hates and fears Limbaugh and the Limbaughites because of the knowledge that the Limbaughites can "see the FNORDS"....You can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool the Limbaughites.....Keep looking!..Look to the media!...SEE THE FNORDS!

Anonymous said...

After 144 years of re-education we have people denying facts such as Union General Uyysses S. Grant having said, "If I thought this war was to abolish slavery, I would resign my commission, and offer my sword to the other side." The victors write the history books. Check back with me in a hundred years or so. - Vice Sgt Boone

Anonymous said...

Set him straight KBarrett. Grant loved Motown and collards just as much as burning towns. I believe it was U.S. Grant what said "Why can't we all get along".


closed said...


Why was the Mason-Dixon Compromise needed?

Why was there a guerrilla war in Kansas and Misourri before the ACW?

Why were Amendments 14, 15, and 16 passed after the North had won?

Yes, Lincoln was the arch-fiend of Federalism ... but the South was still wrong. And the only innocent citizens in the South, poor whites, had to pay the butcher's bill.

Anonymous said...

“Never pick a fight with a man who buys his ink by the barrel.”

Mark Twain

closed said...


Correct. Once Ft. Sumter was attacked, the whole damned mess was now about preserving the Union, and the republican Party's abolitionist plank took a back seat.

Most folks in in the North were not ready to die for slaves, but were ready to die for their country.

But the war was still precipitated by the attempted defense of slavery ... as a State's Right. The North was going to abolish it legally, with an amendment, and this was considered intolerable.

Dammit, people, the ACW was not only about States Rights. You cannot extricate the slavery issue, and pretend that the Southern Cause was saintly.

If the ACW had been precipitated by something praiseworthy, like defense of the second amendment, I would have been fine with supporting it. But that damned slavery worm is still at the heart of the state's rights argument.

closed said...

Anon: I get electrons even cheaper.

Anonymous said...

Buck,..what's yours?

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