Saturday, April 11, 2009

The phone rang at 3 AM and he was hiding.

11:39    badanov    Someone at RedState just pointed out that we spent eight of the Bush years (after 9/11) without an attack on Americans

Not even six ... months in to the Obamanation, and a ship gets attacked.

Way to go, Obamanation...

Depicted above   “To The Shores of Tripoli” (artist Raymond Massey) commemorates the 200th anniversary of the U.S.S.  Constitution- Captain John Paul Jones firing the first of 17 nuclear cruise missiles that reduced current day Lybia to an ash heap.  There was no more piracy.  Until last week.
Within days of his March 1801 inauguration as the third President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson ordered a naval and military expedition to North Africa, without the authorization of Congress, to put down regimes involved in slavery and piracy. The war was the first in which the U.S. flag was carried and planted overseas; it saw the baptism by fire of the U.S. Marine Corps--whose anthem boasts of action on "the shores of Tripoli"--and it prefigured later struggles with both terrorism and jihad.

The U.S. had never menaced or quarreled with any of the Muslim powers. As Jefferson later reported to the State Department and Congress, "Their Ambassador answered us that it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners."

Jefferson's recommendation was that the Administration refuse any payment of tribute and prepare at once to outfit a naval squadron to visit the Mediterranean in strength. [Time]


Anonymous said...

Now, I'm just simple Jarhead from the sticks. But you Rog, might be time to stop towing banners along the beach with the -52. Might be time to mow a swath.

History repeats itself, always. Back will come the Marines, what is this, round 23? - Plowboy

Anonymous said...

Those ships had tail lights?

Anonymous said...

I like the cruise missile! I just KNEW John Paul Jones was ahead of his time...

JMcD said...

Bravo Navy....Captain free....3 pirates dead, one captured.

Anonymous said...

Bravo Zulu Navy.

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