Monday, July 06, 2009

All Things in Palin English

The Best is Yet to Come
Actually, OS, I'm kinda going through some pain over this [Palin's resignation]  myself. I feel like I've just been told "Middle class? Want right to participate in politics? Shut up and sit down and leave that to the rich betters who can afford to spend half a million on legal fees every half year."

I _am_ mad as hell. [
Thing From Snowy Mountain]

Thing's sediment will serve as a nice segue into Sarah Palin: The Best is Yet to Come by J.R. Dunn [American Thinker]. I've excerpted generously, but still left lots of meat on the table. 
The response to Sarah Palin's surprise resignation last Friday clearly reveals the limitations of the American political class, right, left, or what have you.

There's an old academic joke, probably apocryphal, about Count Metternich, Austria's foreign minister during the Napoleonic era. While attending the Congress of Vienna, Metternich is sleeping off a banquet when one of his aides bursts in at three in the morning. "Your excellency! Count Nesselrode, the Russian ambassador, just died."

Metternich jerks awake. "Died, you say? What a terrible thing! I was speaking to him only tonight... Uhh... send a message to the Tsar -- Austria regrets, and so forth..."

The aide leaves. Metternich gets up and paces the floor. After a moment he stops and rubs his chin. "So... Why did Nesselrode decide to do that now..."

We're seeing the same thing today. Obsessive figures confronted with a simple human contingency and, unable to comprehend what's right in front of their eyes, retreating instead into irrelevant speculation about whatever they know best.

Dunn here explains why Palin  is doing exactly what any normal, rational, un-driven human being would do under the same circumstances, before moving on to her obligations.

And the GOP? Doesn't she owe her party anything?
  • Just a few short days after her youngest daughter was humiliated on one of the most widely-watched late-night shows in the country, an obvious hit piece appeared in that balanced journal of the higher intellect, Vanity Fair, in which certain unnamed GOP officials revealed the true Sarah Palin: Sarah as Michael Jackson, Sarah the narcissist, who lived in a dream world and was overwhelmed by "demons".  The fact that GOP figures would cooperate with a rag like Vanity Fair in the first place puts a period to any talk of a party connection. The GOP obviously has an agenda. It is not Sarah Palin's agenda. Nor, more than likely, ours either.
What about Alaska?
  • Palin is one of the outstanding governors of our time, possibly surpassed only by Rick Perry, infinitely superior to Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jennifer Granholm, or Mitt Romney, to mention only a few members of a large crowd. She went a long way toward cleaning up the Anchorage cesspool, wound up the negotiations for a gas pipeline that had been languishing for decades, and put her state on the national radar screen for the first time since 1958. But her usefulness as governor was probably drawing to an end. If she were to show interest in a 2012 run, she could depend on Obama's crew doing everything possible to drag her down -- and going through her state to do it.
Her future?
  • She will be back. Not for 2012. The GOP has its plans already worked out. Very clever ones, too. The Republicans will do what they always do when they're up against it: grab an empty suit and run around shaking it in people's faces while shouting, "Here's the man!" By 2012, after his policies really hit home, as gas and home fuel prices triple and quadruple, as medical rationing begins, as the renewed Axis of Evil runs wild across Eurasia, Obama will be ready to drop. At that point he could be defeated by a ticket consisting of Charley Manson and Jojo the Dogface Boy. But the GOP will blow it all the same. Exactly as the party did in '96, following the same script to the letter. They will, to coin a phrase, Mitt it up.
  • Democracies never stop halfway, no matter what it is: good or bad, intelligent or stupid, harmful or beneficial, they have to go the whole route before at last changing course. The U.S. could not abandon Great Society liberalism in 1976, it had to wait until 1980. The UK could not put aside postwar Labour policies until they were ground down to the last (the Brits went so far as to elect Harold Wilson to two nonconsecutive terms -- something similar to re-electing Jimmy Carter in 1984. Talk about desperation moves!)

    While that process unfolded, Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan served long apprenticeships, learning all they had to now. Sarah Palin is embarking on the same course now.


Anonymous said...

Sarah knows what she is doing. I saaw Lez Trotta (yes misspelled on purpose) on Fox yesterday and she says Sarah is uneducated, and blah blah blah. I turned it off and flipped the bitch the bird. They just don't get it do they?

F-em all. Go Sarah - you have mu support.


Anonymous said...

You know that Reagan feller was just a dumb actor........

But then ever notice, all conservatives are dumb, according to the socialist party.

Chuck Martel said...

If conservatism is dying out, why is it Fox and Limbaugh are making a lot of money and the NYT and the major networks can barely make payroll?

cmblake6 said...

Sarah has a plan. Never fear, the left is about to have their asses handed to them. They were stupid enough to trigger the Sarahcuda.

Chuck Martel said...

I think Sarah has a plan too. Move back to Wasilla. Put an extra deep freezer in the garage to hold the moose. Play with Trig and the grandchild. Ride out the Obamalypse.

JMcD said...

" Count Nesselrode, the Russian ambassador".........
In a deep cobwebbed recess of mostly forgotten bygones, I found a tattered old scrap of memory, that has etched on it, "Nesselrode Ice Cream"....I guessed it's age at about 62 years.

Anonymous said...

Think of it like the Germans and the Maginot line.

Heinrich "Hans, iff ve attak dat ting ze vill cut us to bratwurst"

Hans "Ja... hmm. Vy don't ve chust go around da farging ting?"

If Sarah stays in the Governorship she is contstained in fundraising, what she can say, suing the bastards who defame her (check out her lawyers letter on twitter) etc. She has now set herself up for a gamechanger.

Think of the governership as an obstacle like the maginot line.


LindaSoG said...

Three words from that are reverberating in my head Rodg... I can't stand it.

"mitt it up."

No. I won't vote for him. No way. No fucking way am I going to pull the lever for Mitt Romney. Absolutely positively not.

If that's what they give me, they can go to hell, and ya know what, they won't have far to travel, cause that's where we're headed now anyways and we haven't arrived by then, Mitt will drive us right off that cliff.

Gayle Miller said...

Screw the liberal naysayers. Sarah Palin has something interesting in mind and frankly, the GOP doesn't deserve a treasure like her. If she forms a third party - I'll be there with her!

B....... said...

Nuh-uh - a third party will never work.....or will it ?

Wild Thing said...

I prefer the actor Ronald Reagan and Sarah Palin the NON lawyer, NON power hungry politican that really does want to keep America from being destroyed.

There is only one person that could blow Michael Jackson ( just wait I am not done yet with this sentence) off the 24/7 news coverage and that is Sarah Palin. And she is electric, bright shining star on the horizon, someone that is for real and I really think her following/support will get even stronger as people wake up and see what the left is doing and how the GOP still wants to shove rinos' at us.

Alear said...

"You are not going to wake up in the morning and discover he is crying in Argentina."
— Charles Krauthammer on Mitt Romney.

Been a Mitt fan, remain a Mitt fan.

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