Thursday, July 30, 2009

Include Maryland in this equation

Blue states have allowed public sector employment to explode; and are dominated by public employee unions since the sixties. New York and California are examples where public sector employment has grown unchecked and been allowed to dominate the political process.


Anonymous said...

Well Duh!

Anonymous said...

Right on the money.


tom said...

Go here and see why:

CA has 12% of the population and 32% of the welfare cases... go figure


p.s. Hope he blasts that canker from Marin that don't know what she wants to be called, but whatever you last caller her is wrong...

Anonymous said...

That article was so spot on, it worried me for the Red States, we too, are considering. We leave FL in early August for TX where we have established a "permanency" mail address and will exchange D/L's and all auto tags (our RAM alone will sport an $1100 tag this Oct. since CA doubled). From TX we go to Sioux Falls, SD which looks like a most beautiful place! Considered moving our belongings there. Even. Maybe. Since we can migrate weather seasons while RV'ing.

I understand people moving to Red States. BUT. Puhleez! If enough Blue People move to Red States they always bring their blue politics with them and never learn! It already happens wherever CA and NY'rs migrate en masse. Jeeze. How high does the mountain have to get to avoid Libs??? Where the heck next?

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