Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Selling cars and nuking Iran

Biden: If Israel wants to bomb crap out of Iran, who are we to stop them?
UH- Not that we would approve

The original of that Biden picture appears with Wes Pruden's column today, and I had the vision.  Sorry, but doesn't that make more sense than next in line to the US presidency?  *shudder*  Now, to the chase.
Barack Obama landed Monday in Moscow, the first stop on his latest magical mystery tour, this time to eliminate nuclear weapons, cool global warming, drop in on the pope at the Vatican (perhaps to apologize for the Inquisition) and make a call on his ancestral Africa (perhaps to apologize for slavery).

Important though Mr. Obama's trip is, there's a definite buzz in the air that something more interesting than talking and apologizing is on the bubble elsewhere. When an interviewer asked Joe Biden whether Israel is in its rights to punish Iran if no one else does, the veep was unusually forthcoming: "Look," he said, "Israel can determine for itself - it's a sovereign nation - what's in their interest and what they decide to do relative to Iran and anyone else." Then, as if remembering who he was, he added: "Whether we agree or not."

But would the United States dissuade the Israelis? "Look," he replied, "we cannot dictate to another sovereign nation what they can and cannot do." This could be just good old Joe speaking his mind, but Mr. Obama no doubt told him to keep his lip carefully buttoned while he was gone. This time good old Joe was saying only what he was told to say.
Back to the Kremlin, where the communist president and Dmitry Medvedev, the Russian president ...
  • ... discussed cutting the number of nuclear missiles by 1,100. Or it might be 500. The number of warheads will be limited to 1,675 each. Or it might be less than that. Or maybe more. Whatever. The talking continues.

  • ... The Russians agreed to allow American overflights over its territory to resupply American troops as Mr. Obama expands his war in Afghanistan. 

  • ... the big overflight news was reported from London, where the London Sunday Times said the director of Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, had concluded from his very private talks with Saudi officials that Saudi Arabia would not object ... .
The Sunni states are sometimes modest in a few things but never in their suspicion and hatred of the Shi'ites. There's the usual cry that such an Israeli strike would "destabilize" the region, and set off a nuclear arms race among the Sunni states. But once Iran, the chief Shi'ite state, is capable of firing nuclear missiles the Sunnis would certainly demand one of their own. That's when the race would begin.


Chuck Martel said...

Let me get this straight. The director of Mossad is giving a candid, on-the-record interview w/ a reporter from the London Sunday Times about Israel possibly bombing a nuclear weapons site in Iran? Something tells me this isn't so.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I think it's called "middle east throwing last warnings against the wall" diplomacy.

JMcD said...

Would you buy a used 'fed sled' from this sleezeball?

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