Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Hey meester, want a million bucks?

Want $1 Million?
I'm going to lead you to the river.

 Suppose I could show you how to get nearly one million dollars legally, if not unethically?  Because I can.  And I will. First, some background.

Many of us, but not that may, have been voting for MuShu in the Million Dollar Cute dog competition.  As we enter week five, the highest vote count MuShu has garnered is about 160.  The winner of week one received 1200 votes; week three over 5000.   Not only did MuShu fail to win, he never made the top 30 in five weeks. 

This contest isn't about lovable.  Hell, give me that Week 5 package of ugly for a month, and it would work its way into my heart.  This contest is about cute.  Can anyone tell me that MuShu isn't hands down cuter than any of those mutts?  That's right, you can't.  There is no such thing as a "cute Chihuahua," but the breed has won twice!   So I'm looking at this for what it is, a business.  And this is how I could win, and so can you.

Approach, say, a college sorority - the most popular on campus, or even a reigning high school homecoming queen, with this pitch. 

I'll pay you $5000 if my dog wins a weekly prize.  And then I'll pay you $20,000 if my dog wins the Grand Prize.

A social network like that was largely responsible for electing a communist government to lead the world's greatest democratic republic for crisake! A done deal, and I've risked just $4500 to make a million. Twitter-twitter-woof!

I know what you're saying.  So smart-ass, why don't you do it?  Because, there's the court order, and I'm burnt. Why the heck do you think I start each morning with a Bourbon-Zoloft-Ritalin cocktail?  Plus,  I figure if one of you pulls this off, you'll think nothing of a little reward for the idea. 


Anonymous said...

He's not just the King of France, but an actual genius, an evil genius, but what the heck. You work with what you got.


Anonymous said...

Blame it on Taco Bell and then sue them for the million! Wha??? I'd call the 'breed card'. It works in DC. ;p

LindaSoG said...

When it comes to cute, none of them dogs some close to my Moosh. And any dog park will have have half a dozen that look just like them at any given time. There's only one Moosh. You'll go a lifetime without seeing another.


Thanks for trying so hard Rodger. I enjoyed the contest anyways and Moosh enjoyed the attention. He does so love attention.

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