Sunday, January 31, 2010

In Passing

 In Passing
Upon These Rocks We Staked America's Sovereignty?

and other bullets we must keep dodging

Boned Jello

IPCC now in Bizarroland: Pachauri releases “smutty” romance novel
Just when you think things can’t get any more bizarre with the IPCC, having just learned that the IPPC 2007 report used magazine articles for references, head of the IPCC, Dr. Rajenda Pachauri, provides comedy gold. According to the UK Telegraph, he’s just released what they describe as a “smutty” romance novel, Return to Almora laced with steamy sex, lots of sex. Oh, and Shirley MacLaine.

And The Him waggled his executive staff member and spake, "Look around. Is there anyone here we missed?"
The Obama administration is considering several steps that would review the legality of college football's  Bowl Championship Series

Lord Obama accuses Republicans of portraying health care overhaul legislation as a "Bolshevik plot."
Oh and one last thing, did he give them the finger?

Decoding Biden
His op-ed is something more.  It addresses, head-on, a touchy topic that the administration prefers either to avoid or to speak about in platitudes: The maintenance of America’s nuclear forces in the face of the president’s nuclear free world agenda.

#HealthCare FAIL: How The Dems Botched Their Signature Legislation
You know how the saying goes: Success has a thousand fathers, but failure is an orphan. And you can be sure that if health care reform fails, the people below will make like John Edwards--quick-like.

With enemies like these ... . LOL.

Pelosi Lied About Waterboarding
During an interview for my book, a former top intelligence official told me he was shocked when Pelosi made this claim, because, he said, in the same time frame that she admits she was briefed on waterboarding, she stopped a different covert operation by going to the White House to complain. The White House actually pulled back the top-secret document authorizing the action that had already been signed by President Bush, and revised it to meet Pelosi’s demands.

Health Care Reform Expected -- In Some Form
Bloggers Discuss Fate Of Legislation This Year. Plus: Who Benefits Most From The Supreme Court's Citizens United Ruling?

Is Spending Money on Air Superiority Really a Waste, Mr. President?

It was called “the most outstanding fighter plane ever built.”

No other country had anything like it.

It did, however, have two enemies that it was powerless against: Barack Hussein Obama and the United States Senate.


Opinionated Vogon said...

Okay, so I followed the link to the F22 story and from there to Horowitz's comments on Howard Zinn and somehow landed on this page:

Its the Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky version of Lord of the Rings.

And now I have to go find some cleaner for my keyboard.

Kristophr said...


The expensive part of the F-22 program is done ... developing it. Not buying the fighters means that money was wasted.

They are fighting the last war again ... we aren't always going to be fighting some third world rejects. The fucking India Air Force beat our pilots last year flying the latest Migs during a wargame.

Steve In Tulsa said...

Obama has also cancelled the space program. No more moon mission. No more launches of anything. Obama announced he will ship those launch jobs to Russia. We will pay Russia to lift our payloads. Instead Obama has decreed that NASA will henceforth be the Global Warming Monitoring Agency.

I am not kidding.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

The only satisfaction, if you can call it that, about Obama's blatant acts of Obamunism, is that before what we all know will (must) happen, happens, people have to swell with overwhelming fear and hatred for these filthy (what better word?) people. These actions, once enough people become aware of them, work to that end.

Kristophr said...

It's OK ... we will be canceling Obama's entire social agenda soon.

Shutting off the funds for his socialist crap in late 2010, and undoing all of his crap in 2012. The inner cities can riot if they wish ... A-10s and napalm will take care of Detroit.

He has figured out that he has deep-sixed himself and the Dems, and is trying to do as much damage as he can before he is removed from office.

He'll be safe, as a former president, but his buddies all need to do the perp walk or exile themselves.

Anonymous said...

Holly COW I was watching that videos over at Chrissy's and when captain 0 was saying "how some of you went after this bill" and he takes both of his hands and points them at himself.

That is a classic sign of him saying that we were coming after him, not the bill.

Well at least he can see the writing on the wall.


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