Tuesday, January 26, 2010

In Passing

 In Passing
 I find the culprits

Biden's son won't seek Senate seat in Delaware
The political environment got worse for Democrats

Senate Rankings: Post-Masspocalypse Edition
Why Beau-Beau dropped out
Boned Jello

Teleprompter In Sixth Grade Classroom

Let me be clear ...
"One of the things that everybody must understand is that this attack was debriefed by the foreign terrorist organizations that sent Mr. Abdulmutallab over here. They learned a great deal." [Obama  nominee to run the Transpiration Security Administration, Erroll Southers]

Nicolas Sarkozy backs a ban on the full Muslim veil

...  ban on the dress in post offices, universities, hospitals and state-owned premises, as well as public transport.

California Democrats Ignore Brown Win: Vote For Bankruptcy
Less than 48 hours after the dust settled from the Brown triumph, California Democrats voted for a State imposed “universal” health care plan.  In other words, a state run health care system that would bar private insurance.

Obama’s “Freeze”
.... would not apply to “entitlement programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid,” “would not restrain funding for the $787 billion economic stimulus package Obama pushed through Congress early last year,” would not “apply to a new bill aimed at creating jobs,” and would be “unlikely to affect the approximately $900 billion health-care bill.” 

Boned Jello
Indonesia mulls tearing down Obama statue

Joe Klein: Americans Are Stupid
Absolutely amazing poll results from CNN today about the $787 stimulus package: nearly three out of four Americans think the money has been wasted.


Anonymous said...

Well DUH!

P.S. WV hutat. Hutat gonna beat da Saints

Anonymous said...

I'm taking up a collection to buy the Obama statue and ship it back here. Think of what fun we could have with it!

Paypal donations at my place!


BobG said...

That statue would make an interesting lawn jockey.

Anonymous said...

!?CA Health Care?!
(Physician) Politician heal thyself.
See why we thank Jesus each and everyday for selling our home and getting us out of there? Fer cry'n out loud, re-open Agnew State Hospital and lock these people in.

**As Congressman Tom McClintock famously says, only government policy could convince people and business to relocate from lush California to the barren deserts of Nevada.** AMEN to that.

Anonymous said...

Join the FB group here:



Chuck Martel said...

I wouldn't mind having Nicolas Sarkozy as our president. He's France's version of Ronald Reagan.

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