Friday, February 19, 2010


About Brie 
It is one of life's great pleasures. I will eat it baked or raw; on a cracker or by itself.

That is all. 
[Ramesh Ponnuru]


BlogDog said...

Costco has a soft cheese in a rind (I want to say it's called "Grand Creme" but I'm not sure offhand) that comes in a square "box" and is absolutely wonderful. It's very mild (which is the only thing I'd change about it) but it's just decadently rich and creamy with a wonderful ivory color (i.e. a verging-on-yellow white). What makes me opt for this over brie I the tendency for brie rinds to be amoniac. I'm not down with that.
Runny or not.

Anonymous said...

Did you happen to catch Cleese blaming Bush for all the world's ills a few weeks ago? He's an elite effing snob. Highly evidenced by him putting a cowboy hat on after he shot Palin in that bit.

Tell you what John, I've got some cheese for you.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Let's make sausage.
Truism #151

If a Hollywooder opens his mouth on the subject of politics, then (fill in the blank) __________________________


Kristophr said...

insert boot?

JMcD said...

"If a Hollywooder opens his mouth"_________________________

Comment favorably on how it compares with AmericanStandard® , and have a seat.

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