Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tired AGW rhetoric

The Red Express

Boned Jello
It's hard to calculate the damage to our free society the New York Times is responsible for. Whatever curbs on the paper's Liberal political bent once existed, they've disappeared under Pinch Sulzberger's stewardship. Mention the NYT, and my mind's eye summons a steam engined train, racing across a frozen landscape, carrying an army of Bolsheviks looking for reactionaries to murder.  Really. Today John Broder used some of what's left of his employer's influence to shovel up a steaming heap of Climate-Change Debate Is Heating Up in Deep Freeze.
Skeptics of global warming are using the record-setting snows to mock those who warn of dangerous human-driven climate change — this looks more like global cooling, they taunt.

Most climate scientists respond that the ferocious storms are consistent with forecasts that a heating planet will produce more frequent and more intense weather events.

As an illustration of their point of view, the family of Senator James M. Inhofe, Republican of Oklahoma, a leading climate skeptic in Congress, built a six-foot-tall igloo on Capitol Hill and put a cardboard sign on top that read “Al Gore’s New Home.”

The extreme weather, Mr. Inhofe said by e-mail, reinforced doubts about scientists’ conclusion that global warming was “unequivocal” and most likely caused by human activity.

Nonsense, responded Joseph Romm, a climate-change expert and former Energy Department official who writes about climate issues at the liberal Center for American Progress.

Broder is selling AGW using populist political rhetoric, when hard science is called for.  Inhofe cannot be faulted for poking a stick in the eye of Progressives,still intent on trumping the Bill of Rights with legerdemain; everyone is doing it.  Rather than ridicule Inhofe, who has done more than anyone in congress to introduce science into the debate,  if Broder was interested in advancing AGW he'd take on the likes of Anthony Watts.  His blog Watts Up With That? has a global reputation for practicing good science, and blowing the whistle on the  bad.   Broder's ilk won't, because they cannot.  It's been so easy influencing the dull witted Joy Behars of the world, for so long, with phony science and Al Gore movies, that intellectual muscle is atrophied.

Disclosure:  I am not a scientist, but I had a Gilbert chemistry set when I was 9.   I have a AA battery recharger too.  And a keen smell for the odor of bullshit.

1 comment:

tom said...

Would that be an "A.C." Gilbert set from the Monkey Wards catalog? There were the single-door cabinet [which I had] and then there were the sets with multiple doors which I drooled over...
Either way, there is no "Consensus" when you are mixing stuff up to go boom...


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