Monday, February 15, 2010

unionized teachers fired

 You're fired!

Boned Jello

Unionized Rhode Island Teachers Refuse To Work 25 Minutes More Per Day, So Town Fires All Of Them

The teachers at the high school make $70,000-$78,000, as compared to a median income in the town of $22,000.  This exemplifies a nationwide trend in which public sector workers make far more than their private-sector counterparts (with better benefits).

The school superintendent has responded to the union's stubbornness by firing every teacher and administrator at the school.
How long before some judge overrules the superintendent?


Anonymous said...

Dayum! Shades of RWR and the air controllers. Yeah!
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said...
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Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said...

47 percent hispanic school system. I've been a part of that in Washington. I know how that works. Those salaries are rediculous, and they should have been fired on that premise. But the idea that it's their fault that these kids have awful parental guidance is bullshit.

You don't learn if you don't want to learn. If the parents aint helping matters, kids wont learn.

Anonymous said...

The sad thing is that the teachers weren't fired for poor performance.
-- Windmillfixer

David said...

I got into an argument with a couple middle school teachers a while back over my coaching methods. When they started getting nasty and refusing to allow me to counter their complaints against me I told them they have options. They can do things my way or they can take their kid and leave.

I was told "You should never issue an ultimatum to people, it isn't conducive meaningful dialog that is need to solve problems"

I replied that I wasn't about to take coaching advice from two people who have repeatedly demonstrated a total ignorance of the complexities and details of how this game is supposed to be played, so my position remains - shut up and go away, or take your kid and go away.

One of them stormed off angry and the other just stopped talking. But girls are still on my team and I haven't heard from the parents since.

So what is it about teachers that they don't seem to take ultimatums seriously.

gdonovan said...

God almighty this story warms my heart!

Are we at the tipping point yet were Americans are finally saying ENOUGH!

pdwalker said...

really, it sounds too good to be true.

Anonymous said...

You ought to be around here - the Central Falls Teacher Association has been flooding the radiowaves with their bs about rising scores and blah blah blah. The real kicker is they tell people to call the beleaguered Superintendent and they have - 40 to 1 against the teachers. I have for a long time said teachers are paid far too much on the whole for the results given. Josh, it is not bs that teachers who don't have to perform nor are expected to do so are worth the pay they are receiving. I will agree that there are some very dedicated teachers and they should be rehired (they can rehire up to 50% of those fired) but, to get rid of incompetent or unmotivated deadweight is difficult if not impossible.


Anonymous said...

I have an idea that would work in a small school district if EVERY parent is on the side of decisions like this. If some black-roved dictator says "re-hire", simply disband the school district. Completely.

No school district, no teachers to hire. Then, the taxpayers sell the schools back to themselves, privatise them, then re-admit the kids based on academic standards and willingness to learn. And by privatise, I mean don't take one single cent from ANY government entity. In other words: pull a Hillsdale on them.

Even kids with poor grades who are willing to learn something can be taught a vocation.

As for the kids with attitude or non-supporting parents: tell the judge "these are yours. Do something with them. And don't even THINK of mandating we accept them".

- The Friendly Grizzly

Anonymous said...

Wow, $ 72,000 p.a. plus you only work nine months of the year.

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