Monday, February 15, 2010

Us, in 99 words

How Christian Were the Founders?

Boned Jello

The New York Times yesterday delivered a lengthy (10 pages on the Internet) piece on religion.   Here's the answer to the their question,  How Christian Were the Founders?, in a single paragraph, 99 words.   The rest is a veiled attack on Christians.

All Europeans who settled in early America were nominally Christian.  The Founders, those who wore their religion, were Christian.  Some, Deists, believed in the existence of God based solely on natural reason, without reference to revelation, and slept in on Sunday.  We had a common religion, a common unreligion, and a common tongue.  Because of slavery we are  biracial, and that has caused some problem, most of which is today perpetuated by race baiters for political reasons.  We prospered.  Now, we find ourselves being divided  (Balkanized) by religion, language, and race.  There you have it.  We had wise leaders.  Now we don't.


Steve In Tulsa said...

"We are multi-racial because of slavery"? Really.

How about the Italian-Americans? Or the Greek-Americans? Are they white? They are not black or yellow or red but I am pretty sure they do not consider themselves 'White'. Now the Brits, the Germans, Netherlands, I guess a bunch of those countrys could be considered 'white'.

I am a quarter Irish, quarter Welsh, quarter German and a quarter Russian. And as a random American Indian I met on the street once noted as he looked at my open shirt blowing in the summer breeze, 'Man!', he said, 'You're White! You are really white!' We laughed and moved on down the street. He wasn't being mean just observational.

So I observe we are quite multi-racial even not counting 'blacks'. Some Chinamen, Irishmen, and Othermen came here as slaves too but not all of them. Some could pay off their passage up front.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

there be one of them strokes ...

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