1. The Dems' Deafening Silence On Tax Cuts
Liberal leaders want us to believe Bush's tax cuts weakened the economy
and created a climate of avarice. This fostered the speculative bubble
that eventually burst, bringing down the financial sector and
triggering the latest recession. - But just the opposite is true -
2. China warns US against selling F-16s to Taiwan
Solution: Sell Taiwan F-22s, then lease them back
3. This Pop-up ad just popped
, demonstrating:
1. The effectiveness of Firefox's pop-up stopper
2. Democrat's grasp of the concept of "insurance," or the free market system
4. Military Wisdom
Sample: "Any ship can be a minesweeper. Once." — Maritime Ops Manual
5 Chief justice unsettled by Obama's criticism of Supreme Court
"To the extent the State of the Union has degenerated into a political pep rally, I'm not sure why we are there"
6. Tigerhawk:A fantasy of my youth
I'm fairly sure you are going to think less of me for this, but in my circle of friends, circa 1977, this would have made me the coolest dude alive.
7. Another innovation from the
Assisted suicide for anyone over 70 who has simply had enough of life is being considered in Holland.
Non-doctors would be trained to administer a lethal potion to elderly people who 'consider their lives complete'...
[Mark Steyn]
7. Senator Graham Gets the Law Wrong . . . Again
You can tell that the lawyers who've come to the aid of DOJ's al-Qaeda
lawyers don't have a coherent case. Every time they open their mouths,
they embarrass themselves.
8. Senators say energy clock ticking
President Obama believes it is “critical” to have a price on carbon to
grow the economy and create millions of jobs, Sen. John Kerry told
reporters after their meeting Tuesday night. ... Sen. Lindsey
Lohan Graham emphasized job creation and pricing carbon in a
business-friendly way. A comprehensive strategy is the only solution,
he told reporters.
9. O'Krugman's Keynesian Blarney
The columnist who worries about Washington not spending enough also
blames the financial crisis on "free-market fundamentalism" and
"letting bankers do what they want." When did Uncle Sam do that?