scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Saturday, March 20, 2010
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
I sat outside yesterday afternoon and listened to the sounds of people driving by, clueless that America was being stolen from them. It will never be the same after Sunday. The Democrats WILL bribe enough people with your money. Once it passes, they will command by fiat every aspect of your life. Witness the additional 16,500 IRS agents they are adding to make sure you buy the right insurance or pay the penalty. You can't undo this. Even if the Democrats lose a majority, the stupid Republicans won't win enough to override Obama's veto pen. Obama has the same approval rating Bush left office with even factoring in his cheerleaders in the lamestream media. He doesn't care. He has managed the coup perfectly. Elections will not matter when they control your children or grand children's health. Besides, with $2 billion spent promoting the census (i.e. find all the poor and illegals) & amnesty for illegal aliens, productive people will never win another election.
After Comprehensive Immigration Reform (amnesty)
Next Cap & Trade
Stick -
3/20/10, 8:25 AM
archie macdonald said...
Take heart. Here are a couple of indications it won't pass: 1 2
The flipside is that even if it fails this weekend, the donks will just keep trying. The results of the next election will make it impossible, but until then, things could get very dirty. -
3/20/10, 9:41 AM
- idahohunter said...
Congress, spit spit spit, (bad taste in my mouth) no longer represents the will of the American people. Hell most of them don't even know they are Supposed to represent us.How much longer are we going to put up with a RULLING class in this country. Time to hit that reset button. We must do it now. I do not want to leave this fight to my grandson. Perhaps an Armed march on the capitol is an idea whose time has come. If they can't HEAR us, maybe they will be able to SEE us.
3/20/10, 10:31 AM
Anonymous said...
Taint over til the Botox Queen sings, guyz!
e~C -
3/20/10, 11:19 AM
- Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said...
Don't use the word taint in a sentence referencing Nancy Pelosi...Ever.
3/20/10, 3:57 PM
Anonymous said...
Archie...you nailed it. These bastards will never give up. They're like that spoiled brat in the checkout line at the market naggin' his momma for a candy bar. Conservatives are gonna have to start showing them something more than pretty yellow flags, and painted posters...IYKWIMAITTYD!!!
3/20/10, 5:53 PM
Anonymous said...
"You can't undo this."
Why not? I've never understood that line of logic. -
3/20/10, 10:16 PM
molonlabe28 said...
Yeah, I will take a pass on watching this garbage go down on the television.
I'm going to the range. -
3/21/10, 2:47 PM