Saturday, April 17, 2010

In Passing

In Passing
You Get It All for 10% Off

Boned Jello

This blows my mind - $495 for non-prescription sunglasses?
Now 83% off!

Christopher Caldwell: "Americans are trying to legislate and sue their way out of the “liberation  ... they imposed on young people starting in the 1960s. (Weekly Standard)

Obama's $1M from Goldman in 2008 was a record for any company
In his successful White House bid, Obama had no better source of funds: He raised $996,595 from people identifying Goldman as their employer. Ruh-Roh!  How much gold do we have?
.Perhaps someone with a background in the Fed's accounting practices can provide a rational explanation for this data. Because I find it very hard to believe that the U.S. sold off its gold reserves in 2009.

Commie Actor Danny Glover Arrested at SEIU Rally
In Maryland.  Was he video taping police?  No, he was union thugging.

Tax Day Tea Party 2010 Gala Extravaganza

'The Factor' Confronts Al Gore
- in case you missed this deliciousness

Solar power installations in Spain were producing power at night.
To simulate a larger installation capacity, the operators connected diesel generators.

Ten most dangerous cities on the Planet

Forget Baghdad. Or Beirut. Detroit, baby. Detroit.

Conservative Journalism 'Troubles' Journalists, According to AP
Right-wing media outlets are scary. That’s the view of the Associated Press’s John Miller who recently worried about newly formed conservative media outlets that are funded by think tanks to supposedly push their agenda. [Damn that George Soros!]


Anonymous said...

Over Priced Glasses Ron White said it" You can buy a fricken TV for less than that.

How come nobody brought up the fact that we fought a WAR against those Nazi bastards once, and we KICKED THE S*** out a them? Don't make us do that again.

Anonymous said...

LOVE the Spanish solar(diesel) power story.

Anonymous said...

algore & fox-this video not available

werd ver:desturch

Rodger the Real King of France said...

algore video plays for me - try again

Anonymous said...

forgot to mention i'm in australia and that could explain it ?


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