scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Obama+Arlo Sphincter=*snort*
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
Goodbye asshole!
Casca -
5/19/10, 3:18 AM
- pdwalker said...
I cannot look at his name anymore without seeing it as "Arlen Sphincter".
I blame you Rodger!
Keep up the good work. -
5/19/10, 7:37 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
That would be ARLO Sphincter. :))
5/19/10, 9:06 AM
- pdwalker said...
*lol*. It's just not my day.
I suppose I can settle with "and that's MR. Sphincter to you kid!"
I wonder how Bawney Fwank sees that name? Ugh, nevermind. -
5/19/10, 9:08 AM
Anonymous said...
It's time for a full-on DuToit Happy Dance here in Pennsylvania! I never have to see the name "Specter" on my ballot again! YEEEHAAAAA
Annoyed White Male -
5/19/10, 9:24 AM
Anonymous said...
Good news at first glance, but IMHO, Sphincter would be much more beatable by a decent Repub candidate in the general election than a fresh faced Dem spouting Blue Dog bullshit to get elected.
IOW, we'd be better off to keep the incumbent outrage for the general elections rather than spend it all in primaries 6 months before the real deal.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
5/19/10, 11:19 AM
Anonymous said...
Did Sphincter really think that would help him win the election?
WV: claluely -- the sound of the bat hitting Sphincter's head. -
5/19/10, 11:21 AM
Anonymous said...
Tailgunner dick has a valid point. I was concerned that Sestak would be a harder target than Specter. It's hard to say for sure, but look at it this way: there's no way Specter could have won against Toomey in the Repub primary, Toomey nearly beat him in 2004. That's why he switched parties. PA Dems had enough sense to know even tho Specter is one of them, he couldn't win in the general. Specter's defeat was probably more the work of the Democrats than the Tea Party. Nobody likes turncoats.
I knew the moment I heard he'd switched parties he'd signed his own political death warrant. What gets me is there were still so many willing to vote for that floater. With him finally flushed, we'll deal with the next turd.
5/19/10, 8:53 PM
JMcD said...
If I see the expression "Blue Dog Shit", are they saying bluedog shit or blue dogshit?
In other words is that a Bluedog 's plain shit,or a pile of blue dogshit?
Course it could, I guess, be a Bluedog shitting some blueshit, or shit from a dog , with the blues.
Could be a blue,Bluedog with the blues shitting blueshit.
Some sort of Bassett I guess. -
5/20/10, 9:45 PM