Monday, June 07, 2010

Reagan couldn't what?

Today's GOP could snub even Reagan
The party has become so conservative that Whitman and Poizner would call the iconic Republican 'just another liberal politician.'

Boned Jello

If  the Liberal brain was wired to comprehend war, free markets, or Ronald Reagan, they wouldn't be Liberals. They ought then steer clear of those areas.  An assertion that Renaldo Maximus could not get elected, let alone get the Republican nomination today, is as far as any reader needs to go.  Unless the reader is looking to poke the author in the eye with a sharp stick dipped in Obama feces. Ahem.  A commenter here recently attributed to Thomas Sowell this anecdote.

When asked what he would like to explain to Liberals, he replied "Nothing because they would not listen anyway."

Solder that.  Another commenter to this LATIMES revisionist heap, freedml, nevertheless gives it a never-say-die try.

freedml at 6:32 AM June 07, 2010

Ridiculous premise, George.  So what if spending ballooned with Reagan as Governor.  When compared with the growth of the state at the time, the increases would be mostly automatic, the remainder being explained by the legislature's penchant for spending.  It's always been tough for a California Governor to reign in spending.  And, as for spending as President, expanding  defense spending leading to the self-destruction of our greatest enemy, the Soviet Union, doesn't count.  No matter what, Reagan would still be accused by the liberal media of being asleep at the switch for taking naps and of being a Simpleton for his clear view of 'right and wrong.'  If you want to attack a Republican for not being Conservative, any other Republican President in the last generation or two would be a much better choice.

Nobel Peace Prize stuff, that.


Anonymous said...


The left is confused. That's a good thing.

Caught Haley Barber on FNS. When Chris Wallace tried to put the knife in his hand in re the Obamacy, Haley demured with words to the effect that the American people are smart enough to figure out what is going on all by themselves.


molonlabe28 said...

Man do I miss Ronald Reagan.

I read his "Boys of Pont du Hac" speech (the one he delivered at Normandy in 1984) yesterday.

I plan to get a bust of him for my office.

Ditto for Ernest Hemingway.

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