Friday, August 13, 2010

Chris Christie Acknowledged

Where the Left Acknowledge
Their Failed Policies?
I have to give a high-five to Gov. Chris Christie. The New Jersey Republican was on “Morning Joe” today and showed why he is not only a rising star within the GOP, but also a model of leadership for politicians who have lost touch with their spines.- WaPost

Obama pays hoamge to Christie
Obama mistakes Chris Christie for a Saudi Sheik?


Jess said...

If Obama has the tinest bit of self-awareness, he knows he doesn't know squat about anything except public speaking. In the real world, that qualification is useless for producing anything except words, which have yet to bring in a harvest.

DougT said...

"Who's Chris's Bitch? I can't hear you. Say it! Say it!"

JMcD said...

"Go ahead!...Go on..Pat my head...Das right..das it...right on the point...posed to brang good luck...It will, I jes know it......Ya know what dey say about know, whatever"

Anonymous said...

Christie: "Damn Barak. You're a bigger suckass than I thought you were."

Obama smiles and nods his head.

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