Sunday, August 08, 2010

Michelle & Oprah - Pistols at dawn

Wookie's War
Boned Jello

“A   distraught Oprah Winfrey is telling pals her "thank you" for helping Barack Obama win the presidency has been a knife in the back.

A jealous first lady has frozen the talk queen out of the White House inner circle, say insiders. "Oprah is devastated," revealed a friend.

"She had no idea that Michelle was so jealous about the influence she had on Barack. She hated the way her husband would huddle with Oprah over strategy and jump when she called.

"The jealousy and anger was eating up Michelle. During the campaign, she vowed Oprah would not be a part of the new administration.
"Oprah had visions of being a close adviser to the president and a regular visitor to the White House. She was actually planning to redecorate the famous Lincoln bedroom, which is reserved for special guests of the first family.

"But in the first 10 months of the Obama administration, Oprah has visited the White House only twice, and one visit was for a business meeting to do an interview with Michelle for O magazine.

"And that was a disaster. Oprah arrived with her friend Gayle King, but was shocked to find Michelle cold and distant. Worse, she all but ignored Oprah and directed her attention to Gayle. It was as though Oprah wasn't even there." (continued

Oprah lost her hold on American women when she carried water for an illegal alien early on.  Her show, her reputation, - kaput!  But, the Wookie?  There is a script for elitist, self entitled First Ladies from Chicago, who are hated by the public (wait).  They run for a US Senate seat from New York, and are warmly embraced.  The media swoon and flutter.


Juice said...

Ah, yes. The famous Queen Bee syndrome.
But really, who does Oprah think she is anyway to advise TPOTUS?
I left the Oprah show too many years ago to count. Mostly for the way the fawns over every black that steps on her stage. White people don't play like that.

WV: parialib What Oprah is now?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

This is like Stalin fighting Hitler - win-win.

Anonymous said...

M'chelle is black trailer trash with less class than a junkyard dog.

Mostly for the way she fawns over every black
Me too Juice. One of her shows years ago featured the "sixteen brightest high school students in the country" and twelve of them were black. NFW, Jose. Never watched a single show after that racist sham. With a little luck, Oprah will get an Affirmative Action surgeon when she needs a heart bypass operation.

Maybe Oprah and Bibi Netanyahu should start a hate Uhbama club.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

pdwalker said...

love the title

DougM said...

Let the Wookie win.

I just love it when some ego-hyped, corrupt jackass tries to buy influence and fails. Now, she gets just one vote like the rest of us peasants.

Unknown said...

Almost missed DougM's joke about a Chicago liberal getting only one vote :)

JMcD said...

joo-joo and mo-jo....

I'm putting $2.00 on joo-joo.

Jess said...

In a less polite society, the entire mess would be dismissed as another squabble between ghetto skanks.

rwnutjob said...

Puts the separate vacation & Obambi's dinner with Gayle & Oprah in a different light.

Remember that The Enquirer broke the stories about John Edwards & Al Gore when the fake media wouldn't tough them.


Anonymous said...

Awww, the Great (Big) One got dissed by "one of her own". That's gotta sting.

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