Wednesday, September 15, 2010

An Epic Win!

Just Poetic

Mike Castle was ... the most anti-gun Republican in the House.

Boned Jello
The implications of [O'Donnel's]  win are huge, not only for the next session of Congress, but also in a potential lame-duck session later this year. Because this is a special election to fill the seat of Vice-President Joseph Biden, O'Donnell will take office immediately following the November election if she defeats her Democrat opponent.

Anti-gun congressional Democrat leaders seem intent on a lame duck session, but the addition of just a single constitutionalist to the Senate will go a long way towards stopping any gun control from sneaking through in the waning days of 2010.  [More]
This is, potentially, the stuff of Hollywood.  Pretty heroine overcomes backstabbing politicians in her own party; is elected to U.S. Senate to replace the corrupt Vice-President, and president of the senate, who breaks any tie vote.  Heroine's vote, for all practical purposes, renders him useless and saves nation.


Anonymous said...

I am confused, I have a more important things going on that are taking my attention away from races outside my area. Why are the dems excited about this woman?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Because Castle looked like a shoe-in to defeat the Democrat. The "wise men," in both parties, say O'Donnel doesn't have a chance of winning now. Democrats like that dream.

Anonymous said...

...and since Castle was pretty much the same as electing a Democrat, they won either way. Now there's a chance, however slim, that someone who won't vote like a Dem might win. She must be destroyed.

The early phase of the Lib strategy is to claim preemptive victory with statments like this:

"Those crazy Republicans have picked someone that's way too conservative. Extremists have hijacked the party away from the good Republicans. She has no chance, we've already won, all you that support her might as well stay home Nov.2."

This is to make everyone think they aren't scared. It is either a lie or self-delusion.

If the candidate gains too much ground and looks like a real threat, you will see phase two which is character assassination and personal attack, along with calling anyone that supports her stupid, ignorant rubes. Think "Palin".

Annoyed White Male

DougM said...


Theodora von Wisenheimer said...

Okay, enough gloating. Too much else going on.

Like the "Draw Mohamed Day" cartoonist receives Fatwa, goes into hiding, Slick Willy calls tea parties "a corporate front", and Team B releases report on Shariah, and what it says isn't good. (Follow the link for a PDF of the full report.)

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