Tuesday, September 14, 2010

One right way

PRUDEN: The time to fight is a time to flee
Here we go again. Republicans just can't help acting like Republicans.
Surrender first, fight later, but only if absolutely necessary. It's in their DNA -

Republican elites have no taste for tea, not even of the mildest Ladies' Fruitberry Herbal variety. The elites have been rattled by the Tea Party revolt, not sure what it means, nor whether and how it can be controlled (or, preferably, becalmed). Instead Mr. Boehner and his timid fellows think the revolt against Barack Obama  and his radical agenda is all their doing. They're unable to comprehend the fact that the Republican triumph in November, if there is one, will be because the Republicans are the only available alternative. Any lifeboat looks good if you're standing in a cold rain on the deck of a sinking ship, no matter who you might have to sit next to. 

There is no right way to do the wrong thing

It appears this ethic (that I call "There is no right way to do the wrong thing") is taking root.  I'm not real sure about Sen. Mitch McConnell's core values, other than survival, but he quickly sensed the negative vibrations after Boehner  agreed to ride in Obama's tax the rich posse, and responded with "new correctness." - "Forget Boehner; We'll Filibuster."

Today's Delaware Republican primary is I think a bellwether event.  The GOP establishment has waged total war on the conservative, Teaparty backed candidate running against their designated RINO.  If Christine O'Donnell manages to beat Mike Castle, as I suspect she will, winning the general will be icing on the cake. 

Even as Democrats  ponder "life without Pelosi," and who among their leadership, if any, will survive, the question  for the good guys is, will, or even should, the GOP survive at all?  Certainly any vestige of the old leadership must be vacuumed up with extreme prejudice.  As many Whig leaders did in 1860, when they followed their voter base to the Republican Party, it may  be time for another migration.  The old GOP guard will make a wonderful base for a reconstructed Democrat Party, and thirty years or so of honest government will ensue.


renojim said...

The 'republican' party is not measuerabley any better than the 'democrat'. Same good-ol-boy club, same tax and waste, big government mentality. They all have to go, and real people have to be put in.

Anonymous said...

Ya know, I'm almost used to the Repubs being corrupt and not representing me. What really fires me up is that they let it be obvious that they sneer at us Tea Party types with exactly as much disdain (maybe more) than the socialist democrats.


Vladtheimp said...

The only hope we have is if the Tea Party candidates not only win big in November, but if they then avoid the many temptations to join the rest of the boys in the inside the Beltway crowd. One major way to accomplish this is to hire staffers who reflect Tea Party ideals, and especially Committee staffers. They should then get rid of the staffs of Legislative Counsel who draft "legislative language" and replace them with folks who will draft straightforward, concise legislation, in English. Finally, they should take back the legislative prerogatives (powers) that have been ceded to the Executive Branch.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I think they can be counted on to stay pure for about the same amount if time as the '94 class did. Maybe 4-6 years. Power is intoxicating.

Anonymous said...

They should not be labeled the "GOP". They should be the "POG", as in Party of Grand. You know, with parades, and statues and things named after their membership and fancy dinners and chauffeured limousines and cocktails at the swank places -- you know - Grand.
And then we vote them out.

They have forgotten:
They work for US. WE are the boss. When you can't afford to put food on the table, pork from DC doesn't taste so good.

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