Sunday, September 26, 2010

That famous "moderate" Mike Bloomberg

Tonight's self lampooning story lede.
In Washington, a new advocacy group decries 'the tyranny of hyperpartisanship.' And powerful New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg throws his support behind candidates willing to reach across the aisle.
Boned Jello
That's from a LATimes story Tired of 'tea party' sniping, moderates organize
Stick a bottle of Scotch in Bloomberg's hand, unzip his trousers, and you have Ted Kennedy.  Okay, that does fit the description of a "moderate" Republican I guess.  What a hoot.

By the way, George Will has been doing yeomanlike work lately on behalf of the Tea Party.[George Will Schools This Week Panel on Tea Party Causing GOP Civil War]

"At the beginning of the year, the question was, will the Tea Party people play nicely with others and will they obey the rules of politics? Who's sort of not playing nicely?" asked Will.

"Mr. Crist starts losing the primary to a Tea Party favorite Rubio. He suddenly discovers that he's an independent and changes all his views overnight," he continued.

"Mrs. Murkowski loses a primary and suddenly discovers that she has a property right in her Senate seat and she's going to run as a write-in. Senator Bennett thought of that in Utah, Senator Castle in Delaware is thinking of a write-in candidate. Who are the extremists?"


JMcD said...

Anything wrong with having a few Repubs willing to retch across the aisle.

JMcD said...

Wha?.....reach?....unh unh...nope...hell with that.

Cheesy said...

All I have to say to ALL politicians calling themselves republicans;
If you asshats had stood by conservative/constitutional principles, there would be no need for a TEA party!

Anonymous said...

"reach across"... "reach around"...

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