Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Chris Christie - It's Ordained!

The Christie Cometh

When Mr. Peabody Speaks

Christie denies any interest in the top job. But he's clearly a born executive. A pro-lifer, he has none of the social-issues baggage that has harmed Northeast Republicans in past primaries. He has a record to be proud of. He's incredibly well spoken. Other than Paul Ryan, I can't think of another Republican officeholder who gets conservatives as excited as Christie does.

The last president from New Jersey, as it happens, won office only two years after becoming governor of the Garden State.

... a born executive and LEADER!


Anonymous said...

And a supporter of Cap and Trade......

Anonymous said...

Uh oh, that's a deal breaker and if he could get behind that there's nothing he can do for America and you can bet there are other thorns on that rose as well.

Thanks for the info. You won't hear that on Fox.

Anonymous said...

Anon. is that provable? I cannot understand his contradiction on this. A conservative cannot believe the fallacy of cap and trade. It is just based on lies and half-truths. I want proof before I cast aspersions.


Hell_Is_Like_Newark said...

Somebody please stop the Christie for President bandwagon. He needs more time here in NJ. Plus I have some doubts as to how strong of a fiscal conservative he really is.

His wife being an eco-nut doesn't help things either. My electrical rates went from $0.125 to $0.18 per kWh largely to pay for wind turbines and solar panel. Christie now wants us rate payer to fund off shore wind turbines. Our rates are going to go up even more!

JMcD said...

Every time I hear and read about renewable energy the same thoughts and questions come to mind.
How long before scientists find out that converting the sun's and the wind's energy into electricity
can also have a effect on the weather?
The wind doesn't turn mills and then continue on it's is lessened as it has left part of it's force behind.
Same with the sunrays. Changing them into electricity means less heat energy into the surrounding area.
Won't these effects be increased proportionately as greater use is put to "renewable energy"?
Wasn't it once said, something about a butterfly's wing fluttering having an effect in another part of the world? (correct this)
Cause and effect always seems to run a hundred years late.

Anonymous said...

JMcD, that was a stupid Ashton Kutcher movie - the Butterfly Effect. Any move that asswipe is in is stupid as is he. Sure can troll up the nice um, uh wimmen can't he? I mean, Bruce Willis castoff still ain't bad now is she???? I know I am a pig and all that but, I calls em like I sees em.


Anonymous said...

movie....geez I cannot type worth a darn nowadays.

Bolivar again

JMcD said...

Yes, and that's exactly why "renewable energy" doesn't mean shit. If it is never in large enough usage to have some effect on weather, it'll never have any effect on overall energy usage.
I do believe that the usage of fossil fuels can effect weather (not climate) and for renewable fuels to knock a dent in the usage of fossil fuels, half the planet would have to be covered with windmills and solar panels, which would, of course, have an effect on weather.(not climate)

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