Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Carving up the turkey

Downplayed, but critically important -
Republicans make huge gains
in state legislative chambers

Pre-election, Republicans controlled both legislative chambers in 14 states, Democrats controlled them in 27, 8 states’ chambers split power between the parties, and single chambered Nebraska has a “nonpartisan senate.”

Boned Jello
As of the publication of this article, the Republicans had flipped 14 state chambers, thereby controlling both legislative chambers in 22 states and leaving the Democrats
to control them in 21, with 6 states’ chambers splitting power between the parties, and Nebraska continuing to boast a single chambered “nonpartisan senate.”

With an increase in their control over state legislatures across the country, Republicans have the opportunity to throw their weight around in the redistricting process and gerrymander their way into more secure majorities for the coming years.

Alas: Here's the only results I could find from Southern Massachusetts - Via the Baltimore Sump (if it sounds like they're reporting a home team victory - they are)

General Assembly: Democratic bastions solid

Early results show no signs of any cracks in the Democratic Party's hegemony in legislative races in Montgomery, Prince George's and Charles counties. Republicans, who had entertained hopes of a few breakthroughs, are so far being shut out. The same goes for the eastern part of Howard. Rural western Howard is so far holding for the Republicans.


toadold said...

Also there have been a significant number of Republican Governors elected.(at least 9 so far) So until 2020 the redistricting is not going to favor the Dims.
While Murray and Reid will still be there I shall dream of Harrah's management being suppeonaed by the House and getting fitted for the orange jump suits.

rwnutjob said...

Sorry Rodge, you can't fix stupid. Looks like the moochers in CA & MD were fine with the status quo.

My state NC, flipped both the House & Senate to the GOP for the first time since 1898! Horry clap.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Look, deep down I've always know that we'd have to nuke MD. Sigh. I will warn the 200 or so people I care about first though.

Alear said...

Impressively many new red pixels throughout the midwest. Wisconsin and Michigan did me proud (never expected this Buckeye to say that). The only way TOTUS isn't a one-termer is if there is a huge shift to the good in the economy and we're in a shooting war with Iran in 2012.

Anonymous said...

A couple from MD visited us a couple weeks ago. Amicable visit until they went off about how Erlich was a crook, ruined Maryland appointing his business cronies to office, O'Malley was good for MD etc, all the Kool-Aid intoxication talking points. I just shrugged. Both being government employees, arguing would have been like singing to pigs.
I just sent them an email offering congratulations and hoping they enjoy the shit sandwich they just made for themselves.
I don't care if they never come back. They are the enemy.

Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

B....... said...

You only have to look at the results in the now ineluctably doomed state of California to realize that turkeys are still very much capable of voting for Thanksgiving.

molonlabe28 said...

Here in Tennessee, our state house went from 50 - 49 (GOP) to 63 - 36 (GOP).

We picked up a surprise seat in the Senate to give us a 20 - 13 advantage.

Our Congressional seats went from 5 - 4 (Democrats) to 7 - 2 GOP.

And we elected a personal friend as Governor (GOP, of course).

Tennessee is now fire engine red.

Can we get a "Hell yeah"?

Alear said...

Hell yeah, Molonlabe28, hell yeah and good on you, sir!

Rodger the Real King of France said...

That electricity ran up from Tennessee, through Virginia, then blew a fuse in Maryland. Dammit.

Anonymous said...

Of course the other possibility to these states electing democrats by large margins (Ca, Ma, Md) might be huge massive voter fraud. It makes the most logical sense. drummermanrick

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