Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Be Nice

Maybe psychopath
Boehner Issues 'Official
Republican Niceness Pledge'
Ushering in what it is calling “a new era of civility in American political discourse,” the Republican leadership in Congress said today that from now on it would acknowledge that Maybe psychopathPresident Barack Obama was born “near America.”

“It is no longer acceptable for members of our Party to say that the President of the United States was born in Kenya,” wrote Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio) in a memo sent to all GOP House members entitled The Official Republican Niceness Pledge.  “From now on, we will say that he was born nearish America, and perhaps even as close as Cuba.” [Full]
Cuz Ricky


Jess said...

After the announcement, Boehner spent ten minutes crying and reminiscing about memories of "Old Yeller"

I wonn't spoil the ending, but it was really, really sad.

Chuck Martel said...

I thought it was appropriate that Boehner skipped the state dinner w/ BHO and the Chinese dude.

I would have gone if they were serving foie gras.

MoFiZiX Gr4FiX said...

LOL! Who is Borowitz supposed to be, the new Scott Ott?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I think Borowitz has been at it just as long Mo.

Anonymous said...

It's to no one's credit that I took this seriously at first...


Jon said...

when the majority leader who was elected by majority of republicans in power is a gutless sellout what does that say about the party?

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