Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chop Stick Transplant

Commie ECO Freaks Restore tree
transplant the 30,000 chopsticks ripped from its body!

Boned Jello

Priceless comments:
Juho says:
I think the correct number was 100 acres of trees, not 100 trees. 100 trees would not be that much in a country as big as China.
swelle says:
… And now to start on plastic bags…
welz says:
Wow! I do think it’s 100 acres of trees. But what a thought. I think I’ll eat my sushi with my hands next time.
hohumm_toronto says:
... there’s metal unscrew-in-half ones .
themalcolm says:
actually i think it’s 100 trees. This one small tree made of the chopsticks contains 30,000 chopsticks. 100 regular sized trees per day could probably produce between 5,000,000-10,000,000 chopsticks. that’s a reasonable number for one day.
quiltingmatilda says:
What about all the plastic forks and spoons thrown out everyday in other countries? Trees will grow again, when oil is used for a product it is never oil again.

onemillionthoughtbubbles say:
who gives a crap what happenes to ratbastardchinesecommies?


DougM said...

Hunh ...
All my chopsticks are bamboo, which is a grass, not a tree; and bamboo grows like a friggin' weed!
Personally, I'd worry more about the devastation wrought by pandas.
The chopstick tree is kind'a cool, though.

Chuck Martel said...

Recycle chopsticks? Ewww gross.

Jess said...

I'm thinking the destruction caused by the Three River Gorge Dam would be something a little more impressive. Then again, there's a lot of Chinese and lots of chopsticks.

Oh, the horror!

Alear said...

I'm curious as to when Rodg started calling himself "onemillionthoughtbubbles"

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