Friday, February 04, 2011


With a straight face ...

  Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) said he supports oversight, but believes the Republican efforts on the House Energy and Commerce Committee are politically motivated and probe too deep.
... and unassailable logic

There is “no basis” for the waiver investigation, Waxman said in the letter. More than 700 waivers have been granted to unions, businesses and other organizations, and Republicans are claiming the waivers are either a gift to Democratic allies or proof the reform law doesn’t work.
“If you have evidence that one of these waivers was granted improperly, a request for the internal communications relating to the waiver would be appropriate,” Waxman said.


Anonymous said...

Trying to pick at them one by one is foolish. The Stupid Party as usual took the wrong tack on waivers with the polite "questioning" of individual ones. They should have simply stated that all of them in toto are prima facia evidence of corruption and cronyism.


Anonymous said...

I'd like an explanation of how each and every waiver was granted, seeing as there is no defined process for these waivers.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Sorry, but Waxman is invoking the "you can't investigate wrong-doing until you prove wrong-doing" gambit. It's unbeatable.

Anonymous said...

As an alternative approach, congressional republicans should propose waivers for all businesses and individuals.

Anonymous said...

OK, find out who grants these waivers. [Sibelius' HHS?]

Tell Congrefs to tell them people their budget line will be zeroed out unless they grant waivers on a 'must grant' basis...

Anonymous said...

Don't we FINALLY have enough Republicans in office where we can just take Wax-t-rd out behind the White House and "cap" him for being a SCREAMIN'IDIOT? Do we need a 2/3rds Super Majority, or WHAT? We can DO that!!!


We CAN DO THAT, can't we? Do I need a permit from "Dammit Janet," or WHAT???

Anonymous said...

Hey Ninny Moose at 2:01pm. Go on back to and tell them that we didn't buy it. You sound too much like these asshats.

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