Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Jummy - Part II

Fed: Inflation is 2.1%

Fed- Inflation up 2.1%

cuzzin ricky


Jess said...

Wages are the same and benefits are shrinking.

I'm thinking it's time to round the entire lot up, apply tar and feathers, place them on a large ship and send them off....seaworthiness of the ship is optional.

Arch said...

The noms is too damn high!

Anonymous said...

When did food and fuel not get counted in the inflation numbers? Did this happen with obummer or earlier? Whatever it is horseshit. If food and fuel don't count what the fuck does? Cosmetics? Rubbers? POT??????? What a big fat crock of horse dung!


Randy Rager said...

Food and fuel, two of our greatest necessities, have always been left out of the inflation numbers.

Convenient, no?

Especially to the people who want to hide just how much the dollar has lost value since 1913.

pdwalker said...

Lies, Damned lies and Government pronouncements.

Anonymous said...

Can you say "Potemkin", Class?

The Comet H

Anonymous said...

One: inflation is not rising prices but rather the act of debasing the currency. Prices just tend to rise, sooner or later, after the government dilutes the monetary supply. That way the government can delay the bad news and put the blame on the producers.

Two: the official definition of the CPI was changed under Clinton. The current CPI would be twice as high if measured by the old definition. The government defines the metrics to hide the damage it does to the economy.


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