Sunday, March 13, 2011

Make a knife out of a cigarette

Because you'll never
know when you'll need it


BlogDog said...

Not surprising that the goat ate the cigarette. Tobacco works as a way to keep worms at bay. When I was a lad we actually kept a chaw which we'd cut a piece off every now and again to feed to the goats. And they rather liked the taste I do believe.
Of course we're talking about and animal that can eat poison ivy with no ill effects. God bless 'em.

Wabano said...

Wanna get rid of your favorite lefty perfesser?

Boil a pack of cigarettes in alcohol...pour the nicotine syrup in his more Marx and Engels!

Satan bless him!

Juice said...

That was so awesome! Forget the knife, git me a goat. :)

toadold said...

Well once upon a time I worked at a place that used a lot of Teflon.
There was a guy working there that got into the habit of smoking OP cigarettes. That is he was constantly bumming from the other smokers. One guy cut out a tiny sliver of Teflon and stuck it into the end of a cigarette. When he gave it to the guy, the guy lit up took about two puffs and turned sort of a greenish color, coughed, said he felt really bad and had to go home for the day. Apparently a cigarette burns hot enough to get Teflon to release fluorine gas.

DougM said...

In Russia, goat gets you.

Anonymous said...

When I was a student the thing to do was to pull out some tobacco, insert a match head and pack the tobacco back in - somewhere about the third or fourth puff the match head would go off - not just and impressive display but the smoker in question would get a lungful of sulphur.

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