Tuesday, March 08, 2011

NPR - Again!

How Badly Will James O'Keefe's
New Sting Video Hurt NPR?
Slate Magazine - ‎1 hour ago

  “In my personal opinion, liberals today might be more educated, fair and balanced than conservatives,” Schiller said.

How badly will it hurt them?  The question itself reveals Weigel's bias, so no surprise here.  After watching all of this smoking gun video, where NPR cozies up with Islamo jihadists, and bashes conservatives, here's David Weigel's  conclusion.

  Unfortunately for the stingers, Schiller just left NPR for the Aspen Institute.

How very - Democrat.

BTW, thanks to righty gomez for calling it to my attention with this  Daily Caller link.


Anonymous said...

Priceless, everyone who disagrees with the liberal elite is a stupid racist, and they only take money from the good non-Zionist Jews.


bocopro said...

Well, just for the record, I have a BS, BA, and an MA, and I distrust and despise virtually all things whose identifying phrases include the word Muslim as an adjective.

Anonymous said...

But you see, bocopro, to these people the fact that you have an education is not as where you got it. Here's the hierarchy as I understand it (I don't agree, but this is the liberal mindset):

1. Ivy League Post-grads with 'progressive' opinions are the smartest people in the history of mankind - no exceptions.

2. Post-grads with 'progressive' opinions from Berkley or (insert name of super lib University here) are only surpassed by #1.

3. Any person with a 'progressive' opinion, whether they finished any school at all, are to be considered 'enlightened' and above the opinions and understanding of all others not included in #1 and #2.

4. All others. Everybody that didn't go to one of the above institutions of higher learning, no matter what the degree or GPA, is not worthy of consideration and is an uneducated/unenlightened birther/flat-earther/x-denier.


MCPO Airdale said...

Did anyone order the roast pork for lunch?

Anonymous said...

Schiller and Liley both need an a public whipping and a jihadi ass raping just to bring them down a peg or two. And I'll betcha I could whip either one of them on Jeopardy four out of five times. (Gotta make an allowance for the two categories where they might know something coming up on the same round.) Their arrogance reminds me of a casual conversation where one guy went on about his BS, MA, PhD and how they call him Dr. Jones where he works. He then asks the other guy what his name is, and guy no. 2 replies "Where I used to work they called me General, and where I work now they call me Mr. Secretary, but you can call me George."
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

Ignorance of the Left: just ask one to build a fire, in Alaska...

Helly said...

Stick a fork in NPR; they're done.

O'keefe keeps picking the low hanging fruit of the communist media complex. He's the journalist of the century.

Anonymous said...

The mental giants with high-powered Ivy League educations have brought our country to its current sorry state. I would say that they haven't a very good job in protecting our freedoms and natural riches.

I would trust someone with a degree from San Angelo State University more than I would a Harvard or Yale graduate.

Brigadier Major Mike

hellferbrekafast said...

Educated well beyond their intelligence.

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