Monday, April 18, 2011

Here's your receipt

We're buying the country;
we want a receipt
April 15th (well, this year, April 18th) gets billed as tax day, it’s actually “purchase the federal government for a year” day. We’re not just spending money. We’re buying something.

And over the last year, the centrist-left think tank Third Way and the center-left journal Democracy have mounted an extraordinary campaign to persuade politicians and the IRS that we should be told what, exactly, we’re purchasing.

The idea is to give each and every taxpayer a receipt.
[Ezra "ya doesn't have to call me Krugman" Klein]
Tax Receipt

Ahem. "Center-left," when used by a Liberal is not quite what anyone else would use. That said, and knowing these guys like I know these guys, I'll guess this "receipt" business appeals to Klein because it shows National Defense costing as much as Social Security, fer chrisake!  Is there anybody who won't see red over that injustice?

Still, I kind of like the idea of letting people see what they're buying.  About half the adults in the country might be shamed to see they haven't paid a red cent for any of this stuff.  Of course, that there right at the end is where the real tale is told.  This is a credit card statement from the Gummint Credit Card Co. It shows you made the minimum payment on your bill. A debt you will never pay off, because the gummint sumbitch is now actually with you everywhere you go, and keeps buying sh*t you don't want, don't need, and for people who, in many cases, shouldn't even be here!

If Ezra really wanted people to enjoy the thrill of buying gummint services, employees would pick up their pay, and move from table to table while each agency took their "share" from your poke.  Prolly cause a tax riot though.  That's why gummint made it illegal to take deductions, personal like.


Anonymous said...

Just like ending the state being the dues collector for unions, eliminating withholding would provide the, ahem, stimulus for a tax revolt in this country.

clem said...

When they get all bent about the defense budget, they always fail to mention just how much R&D is funded through the Defense budget, much of it for civilian use. GPS? Indeed. The internet? That's DoD, too. And this. There are many more examples.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that you have fallen for the big lie that half of the people in the country don't pay taxes, Rodger. May be that many don't pay income taxes, but to say that they don't pay taxes is the lie. Since society decided that I was unemployable about ten years ago, I haven't paid much income tax and have gotten back much more than I pay, but I still pay quite a bit in Social inSecurity, Medicare, Sales, Gas, et cetera, et cetera, ad nauseaum. You know, all the taxes that hit the poor harder than the rich.

"[E]mployees would pick up their pay, and move from table to table while each agency took their "share" from your poke." ...and then, take whatever is left and go through similar lines of tax collectors at every cash register where they spend it. Damn straight there'd be tax riots!

DougM said...

Okay, a few format suggestions:
1. Highlight the things that the gov't bought in our name that aren't permitted, and may even be forbidden, in the management contract (i.e. the US Constitution).
2. Highlight the items where this management company failed to live up to its end of the contract or failed to meet expected performance standards.
3. List the officers and directors of the management company who lied to the shareholders and customers, embezzled funds, failed to live up to their fiduciary responsibilities, submitted false or misleading proxies, held positions in other organizations where a conflict of interest may be presumed to exist, failed to provide an adequate accounting of funds and expenses, shielded fellow Board members or officers from criminal prosecution, failed to understand or even read the motions before the Board, gave proprietary information to competitors, ignored the direction of the Board, failed to provide information as required of publicly held companies, etc.

Anonymous said...

List officers...
Sheesh, you want to put a bunch of people in prison for life?
I thought so.
Me too.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

Social Security should not be on the budget unless they quit the charade about the 'trust fund' that has already been spent, and will come due in the next few years.
If Paul Ryan were a tad sharper, he would offer a choice for those under a certain age, say 55, between the ship heading for the rocks[current system] and some sort of personal account that is THEIRs, not at the whim of Congrefs. The congresscritters CAN take Social Security and do anything they want with it. They have. They spent it, and they don't have to pay it back, ever. I think Monopoly Money is their plan...
Given a choice was offered, the D's couldn't scream so loud that the R's are going to screw old people like me, starving us, or making us eat cat food. The R's could apply the same plan to Medicare. Get an insurance voucher, and you may be able to find a Doc that will take Medicare patients using their insurance rather than Medicare reimbursement. Currently, Congress plans to pay for Obamacare on the backs of Medicare doctors and patients. I paid Medicare all my working life. Got bupkus so far. And Congress is spending the money on other things.
Ah what do I know...

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