Saturday, May 28, 2011

Killing Witches

Metaphorically speaking [ahem]...
Why we have to drown them!
  ABC’s Diane Sawyer on Monday night presumed everyone lives inside her media bubble obsessed with “global warming” as she set out to blame the Joplin, Missouri tornadoes on it  (MRC)

Dunking Diane Sawyer

Using her own methodology, here are two time tested ways to help us decide whether Diane Sawyer is possessed by Al Gore, and is blaming climate change on man's behavior.
  1. Make her recite the Lord's Prayer.  If she can't, burn her straightaway.
  2. Bind her in chains, and throw her off a cliff into the sea.  If her body sinks, she's an anthropogenic global  warmist. Haul her bloated corpse up and burn it.
Frankly, Sawyer has a rap sheet longer than the list of impeachable Obama offenses, so I say burn her and be done with it.  Now, as somewhat of an aside, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. 

In my yoot, a lovely girl I was courting cut bait by telling me, "If you didn't smoke, drink, cuss, and want Kennedy to beat Nixon, you'd be the perfect man."  Last week Christie withdrew New Jersey from  a regional cap and trade program.  And,  last November had this to say.

  "Mankind, is it responsible for global warming? Well I'll tell you something. I have seen evidence on both sides of it. I'm skeptical—I'm skeptical."

But ... was Christie quibbling to save his base, in the event he does run for president?  Or, is this the the real Christie?

In his announcement, Christie at least acknowledged the existence of man-made global warming, citing "undeniable data" from "over 90 percent of the world's scientists,"

I'm afraid I smell liquor on Christie's breath, and smoke on his clothing. In this matter, then, I'll let Dakota Voice speak for me, and prolly many others

I received some very disappointing news yesterday. It has to do with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, whom I’ve admired for some time.

Since he became governor, he has been a straight-talking, no-nonsense powerhouse for common sense and fiscal responsibility. He loves to tweak the unions, and isn’t afraid to go up against the powerful teacher’s unions.

There has been some talk of Christie for president in 2012, and he has a lot going for him. In many ways, we need his kind of dogged pursuit of fiscal responsibility and what’s right.

But I’ve long known that there are some areas where Christie and I don’t see eye to eye, where he isn’t the solid conservative I’d like him to be. I’ve been hearing for a while that he supported a state-level cap and trade global warming tax, and though I never got around to doing the homework on it, it came out today that this was indeed true.

He has now backed off from this cap and trade global warming tax scheme, but at the same time he has expressed a belief in the asinine proposition of anthropogenic global warming. Backing off this waste of time and money program is a good move, but based on Christie’s comments, he still has faith in a problem that doesn’t exist, and doesn’t seem to have learned the lesson he needs to about gouging the taxpayers to pay homage to unscientific fear mongering. [Dakota Voice continued]
Sigh. Splash.


Anonymous said...

I like the guy but our nominee? No way.

Now that it looks like Sarah is really going to do it, I feel we have the a potential nominee that truly represents the values of conservatives.

If and when she announces, it going to create a political firestorm like I've never seen. On both sides.

I hope we get the Kerry, "I can't believe I'm losing to this guy" moment. I will eat that up with a spoon.

Kim said...

He's also in favor of gun control because (duh) he's from New Jersey. No way he could get the nomination.

Looks like our own Rick Perry is thinking about it...

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I'm a tad disappointed in Perry for not seceding like I thought he would (and should).

Chris in NC said...

No... More... Texas... Governors for president. Not one more.

Chris in NC said...

actually, no more Texan presidents since the last 2 have sucked so badly..

Melissa "Darla" In Texas said...

I like him, of course, I AM from Texas.
Like the rest of us, it is a wait and see game.
Chris, seems we've had this conversation elsewhere and I still maintain....
byte me ;)

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