Monday, May 09, 2011

Ten Times Right

Five Ten times the conspiracy theories turned out to be true

Being Right
  1. The Glomar Explorer and Project Azorian
  2. The Reichstag Fire
  3. The Cuban Project
  4. Andrew Young and John Edwards
  5. Watergate
Glomar, and John Edwards are pretty pedestrian examples.  Watergate - do you have a few days free?  Below are five more conspiracy theories of some consequence that turned out to be true.
  1. Warren Commission Report Doubters  — redacted information, eliminated testimony, and otherwise covered up. Much of which was the Kennedy-Mob-Cuba ties.
  2. Hillary's "Right Wing Conspirators" —  were right. Bill Clinton was a serial liar, rapist and perjurer.
  3. Global Warming Deniers —  were right. Anthropogenic global warming was the product of disreputable research grant seeking "scientists, True Believers, Scam artists,  and political opportunists who used it to increase their control over our economy.
  4. Birthers —  are right. Obama has not produced a valid birth certificate, is not eligible to be president, and his entire history seems to have been manufactured. Yes, it is proved, unless you're, well, dull? In the best way of course.
  5. I am right — all elected democrats and their enablers are liars.  No exceptions discovered to date.


Anonymous said...

My son told me a good one Roger.

The EPA fined the U.S. Navy for dumping a turd in the water.......



Juice said...

Heard of a new drink,too. The Bin Laden- 2shots and a splash of water.

Wabano said...

Unintended consequences...The phony birth certificate O'Bummer produced caused RINO Trump's collapse and cleared the field for real Tea Party candidates.

Soetoro's strategy skills are way over'd think he'd nurse Trump along to cause a stir in the opposition...but nooo...

Barry's Trotskos must have real heartburn by now!

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