Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Md. Board of Education's environmental literacy graduation requirement.

Maryland My Christmas Tree
You say you home school your kids so their minds aren't rearranged in the public meat grinder?   And now you have to prepare them for the Md. Board of Education's environmental literacy graduation requirement? Is that what's got you down Bunky? [WaPost]

Md. Education's environmental literacy graduation requirement.

It's hard to tell from this story whether home and private schools will be exempted.  Either way, I'm waiting for a lawsuit by some parent who's had it up to here with this nonsense.  The lawyers can use the same facts presented to get Al Gore thrown out of Britain's schools.

El Jefe


Anonymous said...

Why hasn't alGore been fined into poverty (he gets to keep a big flatscreen under current definitions) and sentenced to thirty years in Leavenworth for multibillion dollar fraud?
Answer - He paid his taxes and even if he didn't, he gets to invoke the Geithner Amnesia Bypass and the Rangel Rule.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Chuck Martel said...

"I'm waiting for a lawsuit . . . ."

Everyone says they hate all those "frivolous" lawsuits until some irresponsible jerk harms them or their family members.

Anonymous said...

King Chuck:
Of course they hate the frivolous lawsuits. For two reasons:
1) stupidity should not be rewarded
2) lawyers related to carrion-eating birds get rich at the expense of the rest of us.

Witness the philandering J Edwards who channeled an unborn to the tune of a house that is over an acre in square footage because of a naturally occurring birth defect.
The baby is dead, and he got rich{er}. The surviving family members got something, but honestly should not have. The attending did nothing wrong. I'm sorry for their loss, but it was natural causes.
I remember the case in MS or AL where an accident 'victim' sued Ford & Firestone[goodyear?] because the tires disintegrated after driving over 100mph for some period of time. He won. His stupidity, breaking the law by 50 miles an hour, caused him to be partially paralyzed when one of the tires failed, and he got the defendants to pay him for his action. IMO, he should not have gotten anything. That was frivolous, and should have been tossed. Again, IMO.

Chuck Martel said...

Then in your way of thinking, lawsuits based on this would be "frivolous".

"Mistakes such as amputating the wrong leg, performing the wrong operation or removing a kidney from the wrong patient can often be prevented by what O’Leary called “very simple stuff”: ensuring that an X-ray isn’t flipped and that the right patient is on the table, for example. Such errors are considered so egregious and avoidable that they are classified as “never events” because they should never happen."

Like I said, everyone says lawsuits are "frivolous" until some irresponsible jerk harms them or someone they love.

Chuck Martel said...

Or how about this? I bet you would think that a lawsuit concerning DOJ's and ATF's malfeasance in the Fast & Furious/Gunwalker scandal would be "frivolous".

"The family of slain Border Patrol agent Brian Terry has retained former Arizona U.S. Attorney Paul Charlton to determine if there is any legal action to take in connection with his slaying."

Anonymous said...

Martel, read what I said:

"The attending did nothing wrong."

He didn't amputate the wrong kidney nor provide firearms for violent criminals.

Get off your fricken soap box and pay attention.

Did you read about the tire lawsuit or did you get your dander up at the 1st thing that you read as thinking SOME lawsuits ARE frivolous?

Go to McDonalds and buy some coffee. It will be labeled about 87Bazillion times as HOT because some numnutz sued for spilling it on his/her junk. Coffee is hot! Do not use your toaster in the bathtub! Do not drink a case of Heineken's and run the bulldoze.
Give me a break.


Chuck Martel said...

Anon, you seem to be in the business of making stuff up.

The Bridgestone/Firestone Ford Explorer rollover accidents were real problems caused by defective tires. Firestone knew that it had tread separation problems with its radial tires since the 1970s. Just because you don't want there to be a problem doesn't make the problem go away.

Restaurants aren't supposed to serve 180–190 °F coffee when they know from experience that food and liquids in excess of 130 °F can cause human flesh to burn. Just because you don't want there to be a problem doesn't make the problem go away.

Chuck Martel said...

And if you really want to learn about the McDonald's coffee injury, go here.

Unless you are afraid.

Anonymous said...

King Chas
Try to pay attention to what I wrote.
The tire suit had nothing to do with tread separation or the Explorer roll over suit. It was, again, someone driving twice the posted highway speed limit, and having tire(s) failure. HIS action caused the failure as the tires were not rated for continuous 120+ speed. Should all cars be sold with tires rated for that speed when it is illegal to drive that fast? I dunno, but *he* certainly was not giving a fig about anyone else' safety who happened to be on the same highway...

Again, the attending did no wrong in the Edwards suit. *I* will continue to think it was lawyers looking to line their pockets. Frivolous, yes.

As far as McDonalds, their coffee is hot. It was hot, and is hot every time I have bought it. So hot it burns my tongue. And I haven't had coffee from a McDonalds for several years, years after the suit in question was filed and adjudged. Their coffee is still hot, in other words. And I think the customer was at least partially, if not mostly, at fault in that the customer spilled the coffee on herself. Again, it's my opinion she should not have placed it where she did...
what ever

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