Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Payback Rapture?

Anthony Weiner is a lot like Bill Clinton, only funnier.
Hillary Squared
The lede segues to "We were first reminded of Bill Clinton when, at the gym yesterday, we tuned in to CNN (the communist YMCA doesn't get Fox News) to watch Weiner's press conference. Instead of Weiner, there was Andrew Breitbart holding forth. It was just like that day in December when Bill Clinton gave his first White House press conference in a decade ... ."  But these nutroot quotes are funnier still.
Andrew Reinbach at the Puffington Host (sic) Sunday:
"What's gone largely unremarked is that the tactics used against Rep. Weiner are the ones at the top of the Right Wing toolkit. At a minimum, the Right Wing displays a fondness for tactics, and a willingness to stoop, that I think have no place in the public sphere."

Daily Nutroots
And "Stranded Wind" at Thursday:
"Congressman Anthony Weiner was stalked, set up, smeared, and this was coordinated to protect Clarence Thomas from scrutiny. . . . This conservative crime wave isn't going to just go away. As we've seen with Anthony Weiner, any individual who troubles them, even if that person by [sic] a United States Congressman, is going to get whacked."

And "phenry," also at Thursday:
"In reality, of course, the 'hacker' probably just spent about an hour figuring out how to spoof yfrog's incredibly weak security and then uploaded a picture he found on a porn site. But Rep. Weiner doesn't know that. Realistically, there's no reason to expect him to know that. Now that the wheels are coming off of the cunning plan and Breitbart has once again been exposed as the charlatan and serial liar that he is ... " [WSJ, The Second Time as Farce]
Oh Lordy.  Is this "payback rapture," I wonder?


JMcD said...

Only way I can think that the whole thing would be even funnier would be if Weiner's first name was Nathan.

Anonymous said...

or had they had a Latin moment perhaps Flaccid

molonlabe28 said...

But Rep. Anthony Penis didn't get hacked, as he falsely claimed was the case.

He decided to chase young women, ladies and porn stars and in the process foolishly left digital tracks in the snow.

And I thought these folks didn't mind hacking as a tactic - they certainly didn't mind it when the young felon (now a Federal inmate in Kentucky) hacked Sarah.

No, they blamed the victim in that case.

I won't miss this guy - he had gotten to be quite annoying.


hellferbreakfast said...

Fox news says Mrs. Weiner is pregnant. With a daddy like Billary, what chance can the poor kid have????

Skoonj said...

Weiner must have received his cellular phone training from Tiger Woods. Maybe his babe list as well.

Cheesy said...

Admittedly, the Right is always looking for the opportunity to sew a liberals ass to his face; but it wouldn't matter if the left wasn't constantly giving us the opportunity to do so.

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