Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Throw-away money

What in the hail is this?

Wallof Money


  1. Harry Reid laundering the money he got from Jack Abramoff?
  2. — money congress gave to a performance artist?
  3. —  money Michelle Obama likes to display each night before bedtime?
  4. —  what Barry paid for a birth certificate
  5. Walking around money for SEIU voter turnout effort.
  6. Mo Sup drying the money that fell out of my pocket in the wash?


bocopro said...

Metaphor depicting the Obama administration plan for solving (read “hiding”) problems and maintaining power regardless of truth, justice, or the American way.

Jess said...

8. A visual representation of a small percentage of the money the government has taken over the last 36 years of my life.

9. The typical amount of money given to Hurricane Rita "evacuees" that lived in upstate New York.

10. The cost of paperwork to buy a new toner cartridge for a government copying machine.

11. How much money the Postal Service loses every second.

I could go on forever.

Kristophr said...

It is the best use for dollars after four more years of Obama.

Cheaper than buying wallpaper, but not suitable for toilet paper.

Anonymous said...

Latest thing from the Captain Bullshit Administration: 'green' toilet paper
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

SoylentGreen said...

Actually - if you stand away from the wall and squint - it's a picture of the newest birth certificate done in bills turned forward and backward to represent text or background.

Wabano said...

It's the money Saudis paid Herman Cain to flip to the muslim's side

He never said that, heh?


Enough money for Herman Cain to insult our intelligence!

Anonymous said...

A really fat strpper's garter.

Juice said...

McGuire's Irish Pub, Pensacola & Destin, FL. $$$$$$$$$$$$$ :)

wv: grand TRUE!

JMcD said...

Congradulations and "well done" to the maid who washed and ironed it all.
Sanitation compliance don't ya know?

Anonymous said...

I thought our money had become so worthless that it was cheaper to wall paper in ones than to buy wall paper.

There was a news story about in Argentina, 20 years ago they used their worthless money as wall paper.

We are there right?


Anonymous said...

Cheap Shingles

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