Saturday, July 02, 2011

Happy Fourth on the Second!

Today if the 4th of July, so party on!
This day the Continental Congress declared the United Colonies Free and Independent States. -Pennsylvania Evening Post, July 2, 1776

Dolly Madison Does a Striptease

That's right, the Continental Congress declared our Independence on July 2, 1776, but since it was the Fourth of July weekend news didn't get out.  I'm guessing. So when did "Americans" really celebrate the Fourth of July?  Congress waited until July 8, when Philadelphia threw a big party, including a parade and the firing of guns.  [Factoid]

 Oddly enough, 12 years later on July 2, 1788, the Confederation Congress, meeting in New York, received word that New Hampshire had approved the Constitution (on June 21), thus becoming the ninth state necessary to enact.  Now you know two more things that Obama doesn't.  Three, if you count the Constitution.

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