Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Good, The Bad, The Perry

The Bad Perry

GAH!I read over the weekend that Texas Gov. Rick Perry criticized Arizona's immigration law.  Said it wasn't for Texas.  Said it took too many police away from fighting crime?!?  Said a bunch of stupid crap.

In the culinary world, we learn from Emeril Lagasse,  the "Trinity" are equal parts of bell peppers, celery, and onion
I suggest a  American political trinity of equal parts -
  1. ending, or at least suspending  all EPA regulations
  2. stopping and returning 100% of Mexican invaders
  3. a sharp return to federalism
  4. a balanced budget (who's counting?)
That's the base recipe for renewing the country.  It's also called following the U.S. Constitution [except the budget part].  Keeping with the analogy, Chef Perry, evidently a graduate of the George W. Bush culinary institute, would be serving up equal parts of bell peppers, celery, and Mexican jumping beans. Gah!

Rating - No Stars

The Good Perry
Perry warns of Fed ‘treason,’ challenges Obama

Rating -

I have mentioned in previous columns that the Ministry of Propaganda, aka, the “mainstream” media, has no problem whatsoever with lying about anything that it thinks will make people believe Marxist and neo-fascist ideas and policies are better for you than mother’s milk. I have also mentioned that they expend an inordinate amount of time and effort in convincing their readers and viewers that certain Republican candidates for office are dang near that good, too. Anyone remember John McCain?   --- [Media Hype, or McCain Redux Cont]


Chuck Martel said...

In 1988, Perry was Al Gore's presidential primary campaign chairman in Texas. Gore lost Texas to Dukakis. In 1989, Perry announced he was a Republican.

I don't trust the guy.

LindaSoG said...

The Sultan has an interesting article about Perry.


Rodger!!!! Smooooochies!

toadold said...

Regan was a Democrat before he became a Republican....I don't trust the guy. deni

Mile 66 said...

Perry's job was to make Gore lose to Dukakis. He succeeded. He still is a Republican.

Chuck Martel said...

"I didn't leave the Democratic Party. The party left me." ~ RR

Besides, RR endorsed the presidential candidacies of Eisenhower in 1952 and 1956 and Nixon in 1960 while remaining a Democrat. (He became a Repub in 1962.)

Anonymous said...

Chuck and I agree on this one-I don't trust the guy either. He said a fence along the border was idiocy.

After getting this GD spending under control, these illegals have got to go.

Palin is still my choice.

toadold said...

Thank you, not that I support Palin over Perry but I like it that you actually named a candidate that you like but also one I could vote for if she entered and won.
I held my nose and voted for McCain last time. This time I'll vote Republican but abstain from voting for President if Romney gets the primary nomination.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

So Linda SOG - how was Gstaad?

David said...

Add unflinching support of "keep and bear arms" to that list and I'm sold.

I would just one more time in my life to be able to walk into a voting booth and vote FOR a candidate for president instead of holding my nose and casting a vote against a candidate. The first and only FOR vote I have ever cast was Reagan's second term.

Anonymous said...

Linda SOG! Glad to see you are still kickin!
Perry was a Southern Democrat and supported Gore in 88 BUT he saw the light. He has quite publicly called Gore a idiot. Reagan was a Democrat & became a great Republican.
So, back to Perry Most very conservative Texans I know support him. How many other Governors, besides Sarah, carry a gun and use it, when needed?

Spunky Texan said...

My #1 rule for a presidential canidate has always been s/he must have either been a Conservative Govenor and/or Business owner to qualify in my book for President of the US.

Now, I have to admit I like Palin BUT, at this point I support Perry more.

Of course, I will vote against Obama no matter what.

Chuck Martel said...

I didn't vote for McCain. I voted for Palin.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Didn't everyone Chuck?

Anonymous said...

Score one for The Toad...
"abstain from voting for President if Romney gets the primary nomination."

Clearly, if the GOP does finally acknowledge its traditional conservative base, it may go down in 2012; if it does NOT, however, it will likely cease to be a force in American politics.


Kristophr said...

A fence on the border is idiocy.

The border needs to be a military reservation a quarter mile wide. The Mexican side should consist of a single bare wire a foot off the ground.

Cross that wire, and your corpse gets thrown back over the wire.

wmprof said...

A southern democrat is ALWAYS better than a northeastern Republican. Just sayin.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

wmprof - where have you been? And you are correcto.

Anonymous said...

KRISTOPHER / PALIN IN 2012 ! ; ) > smibsid

Anonymous said...

Perry/Palin 2012?

Anonymous said...

Linda!! Great to see you're back. It would be a trifecta if we also had Josh and Jack Hamilton.

Anonymous said...

And your blog's back, too! Yippee!

LindaSoG said...

Gstaad?? 0_o
That was ages ago, I barely remember!
but if I told you where I've been, well... I'd have to kill you!

Anonymous said...

Why do people get so worked up about which person they are going to cast their vote for on election day? Their vote doesn't even enter into the equation, it really only receives an asterisk at the end of the night.
(Bush-Gore 2000)

And that little asterisk needs to be fought for, it and the electoral college. If we aren't careful it could be our next Pearl Harbor.
And dems are dirtier players then Germans :)

Melissa "Darla" In Texas said...

Oddly enough, Karl Rove played a huge role in Perry's conversion.
I've been watchin' Perry for years and he will have my vote over Mitt.

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