Monday, August 01, 2011

Our Heroes Have Always Been Cowgirls?

Dear Yankee
Let me tell you, dryland farming is about as hard as it gets.  When I read that, Perry definitely came up in my estimation.  mary

Here we go again [...] So please, heed this advice. Rick Perry, as you have no doubt already discovered, is not the easiest man to write about. He is secretive and leery of the media (sometimes to the point of hostility), and he has a strategically valuable knack for being underestimated by his critics. I have been writing about him since the eighties, when he began his career in the Texas Legislature. Along the way I have learned a few things, which I have arranged in this handy list of Eight Points to Keep in Mind When Writing About Rick Perry. [Texas Montly]
Texas Monthly August 2011

(I've included item titles only)

1. Perry is not George Bush.
2. It’s not a big deal that Perry was once a Democrat.
3. Perry is cannier than you think he is.
4. Texas is not a “weak governor” state.
5. Perry is not a male hair model.
6. Perry is from the middle of nowhere.
7. Perry is an Aggie.
8. Don’t discount the luck factor.

So there you have it. In closing, I would like to request that you please do your best to avoid tin-ear clichés about barbecue, cattle, oil, football, and the Alamo. Remember, this is an urban state of 25 million people. We don’t go to sleep at night dreaming of William Barret Travis drawing a line in the sand. We do admire our rural history, as this month’s cover attests, but our vitality is in the cities. Enjoy your visit, best of luck, and please get it right this time.

Yours truly,
Paul Burka

I imagine I'm not the first person to grin at the juxtaposition of "Our Heroes Have Always Been Cowgirls," and the Rick Perry blurb.    Still, this story can only help Perry if enough non-Texans read it.   Thanks mary.


Anonymous said...

An Aggie in the White House? The tea-sips will never survive it. After the halfrican, anything is possible.


toadold said...

"AUSTIN (AP) — Gov. Rick Perry signed into law Monday a measure that will limit frivolous lawsuits by levying some fees on plaintiffs and allowing meritless suits to be dismissed early in the process.

Perry designated the "loser pays" bill a top priority of the legislative session, saying Texas needs to crack down on junk lawsuits.

Some plaintiffs who sue and lose will be required to pay the court costs and attorney fees of those they are suing. The law also creates expedited civil actions for cases less than $100,000. It goes into effect Sept. 1."

That faint screaming sound you hear is from the Texas Trial Lawyers Association.

Jess said...

Perry is a politician. If he wasn't, he wouldn't be the Governor of Texas. Like all politicians, you never trust them if they're out of sight. As far as how he rates: he can be controlled, but you better keep an eye on those that pay for the buttons.

Personally, Texas Monthly is a liberal rag that wouldn't exist if Austin wasn't around.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Hence the cover placement ...

Anonymous said...

Yanno.... *Some* of US are gittin kinda wore out with the whole "Urban = Civilized" meme.

Just sayin...


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Which is why I'm proud to have married my sister (it was annulled, but Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a product of that union). Shhhhh.

Anonymous said...

awwhell... I'd hang it up and go fishin but today all I'd catch is a Bass Turd.


Anonymous said...

As a several decades subscriber to Texas Monthly magazine, said subscription I maintain to keep up with goings-on back home, and for the excellent barbecue, steak, Meskin food, and hamburger joint reviews, I think it instructive to note that Paul Burka is probably at least as liberal as Vann Jones, and claimed to vote for Dubya, before he voted against him. Or something like that.

H the (Remember the Alamo) Comet

JMcD said...

"Texas Cowgirls Monthly"

Then those light days are the
"Rhode Island Cowgirls Monthly"

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