Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Stamped Out

Russia gives Obama a titty-twister

Obama's Commie Stamp

In one of his recent interviews Mr. Obama said that fifty years ago nobody could imagine Russia and the US as partners. He added that confrontation ended together with the Cold War.
What a laugh.  Damned near every mentor Barry had, including Gammy, Gampy and Frank Marshall Davis, was certain communism would prevail.  I think what's going on here is the disrespect (they know what the buzz will be over this)  shown to what the view as an a incompetent patsy.


toadold said...

Dang you, now I can't get the image of Putin giving Obama a wedgie...on camera out of my mind...such as it is.

Anonymous said...

Funny, I was just thinking of creating some Zazzle USPS stamps with the Flag of Greece on them and use them whenever I have to send off my taxes and fees to the government.

Kristophr said...

Ermmmm ... which date did the Russians use?

The Kenyan date, or the U.K.L. Lee date?

rickn8or said...

Stamps are nothin'.

Look at THIS and tell me who won the Cold War.

Anonymous said...

Does it say Komrade Doofus on the stamp?


Anonymous said...

OK, I'll say it.

The stamp won't sell because consumers won't be able to make them stick.

Turns out you have to spit on the back.

Justin Credible

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious, Rickenator. Reminds me of The Russians Are Coming^2.

Jess said...

It's nice to know the political structure formerly known as the USSR is our "friend". I'm sure they now have their "good guy" badge and know the secret handshake. This stamp only affirms this solid relationship and
Putin's remark about the U.S. being a parasite was all in good fun. He was only using some of the humor he learned during his time in the KGB.

JMcD said...


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